Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1660

Samuel Pepys' Diary Begins

Jan 1 1st entry in English civil servant Samuel Pepys' diary

  • Jan 1 Academia de Bellas Artes is founded in Seville with painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo its first president
  • Jan 1 General Moncks army battles with the Tweed on way to London

Event of Interest

Jan 1 Thomas Fairfax's New Model Army occupies York

  • Feb 3 General George Monck's army reaches London
  • Feb 23 Charles XI becomes king of Sweden
  • Mar 16 English Long Parliament disbands

Declaration of Breda

Apr 4 English King Charles II issues the Declaration of Breda, promising a general pardon for crimes committed during the English Civil War and the Interregnum and religious toleration for all those who accepted him as King

  • Apr 23 Treaty of Oliwa is established between Sweden and Poland
  • Apr 25 English Convention Parliament meets and votes to restore Charles II
  • May 2 Battle of Long Sault begins between 17 French colonist militia, their Huron and Algonquin allies and a large Iroquois army (credited with saving settlement of Ville-Marie) [1]
  • May 3 Sweden, Poland, Brandenburg & Austria sign Peace of Oliva
  • May 7 Isaack B Fubine of Savoy, in The Hague, patents macaroni
  • May 8 English Parliament proclaims Charles II, King of England and invites him to return
  • May 23 King Charles II returns from exile sails from Scheveningen to England
  • May 24 English king Charles II visits Netherlands
  • May 25 King Charles II of England lands at Dover harbour on his way to London during the Restoration
  • May 27 Denmark & Sweden sign The Treaty Of Copenhagen, ends Second Northern War
  • May 29 On his 30th birthday Charles II returns to London from exile in the Netherlands to claim the English throne after the Puritan Commonwealth comes to an end
  • Jun 1 Mary Dyer is hanged for defying a law banning Quakers from the Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Jul 24 Great Fire of 1660 in Constantinople; two thirds of the city is destroyed including 280,000 wooden houses, with a death toll of around 40,000
  • Oct 13 Absolute monarchy instituted by decree in Denmark by King Frederik III
  • Oct 15 Asser Levy granted butcher's license (kosher meat) in New Amsterdam

Nine Regicides

Oct 17 Nine Regicides, the men who signed the death warrant of Charles I, are hanged, drawn and quartered, another is hanged.

  • Nov 15 First kosher butcher (Asser Levy) licensed in New Amsterdam (now New York City)

The Royal Society

Nov 28 Lecture by Sir Christopher Wren, Professor of Astronomy, at England's Gresham College inspires formation of scientific group that later becomes the Royal Society of London

  • Dec 15 Philippines: Andres Malongs rebels plunders Bagnotan

James II Duke of Normandy

Dec 31 James II of England is named Duke of Normandy by Louis XIV of France.