Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1714

  • Jan 7 Typewriter patented by Englishman Henry Mill (built years later)

Steele Publishes "Crisis"

Jan 19 Richard Steele publishes "Crisis" defending Hanoverian success

  • Feb 2 Nicholas Rowe's play "The Tragedy of Jane Shore" premieres in London
  • Feb 15 Parliament of Paris accepts Pope Clemens XI's "Unigenitus" decree
  • Mar 6 Treaty of Rastatt signed by Austria and France ending hostilities between them during the War of the Spanish Succession
  • Jun 12 Prussia and Russia sign secret treaty
  • Jun 26 Spain & Netherlands sign peace and trade agreement
  • Jul 14 Battle of Aland, Russian fleet overpowers larger Swedish naval force
  • Jul 27 Battle at Hango (Hangut): Russians beat Swedish fleet

British PM Dismissed

Jul 27 British Queen Anne dismisses premier Robert Haley

King George I

Aug 1 Monarch Georg Ludwig becomes King George I of England

  • Aug 7 The Battle of Gangut: the first important victory of the Russian Navy during the Great Northern War against Sweden
  • Sep 7 Treaty of Baden signed by the Holy Roman Empire and France, ending the War of the Spanish Succession; French retain Alsace and Landau, Austria gets east bank of Rhine
  • Sep 11 French & Spanish troops under Duke of Berwick occupy Barcelona
  • Oct 7 People riot due to beer tax in Alkmaar, Netherlands
  • Oct 20 Georg Ludwig von Hannover crowned as Britain's King George I at Westminster Abbey
  • Nov 11 A highway in Bronx is laid out, later renamed East 233rd Street
  • Nov 22 King Karel XII leaves Turkish captivity to return to Sweden