Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1779

  • Jan 11 Ching-Thang Khomba is crowned King of Manipur

Cook's Last Log Entry

Jan 17 Captain James Cook's last notation in Discovery's ship's log

Dickinson Delaware Delegate

Jan 18 John Dickinson is appointed a delegate for Delaware to the Continental Congress

Messier Adds to his Catalog

Jan 23 French astronomer Charles Messier catalogs M56 (globular cluster in Lyra)

  • Jan 31 French astronomer Charles Messier adds M57 (Ring Nebula in Lyra) to his catalog
  • Feb 24 George Rogers Clark captures Vincennes (Ind) from British
  • Mar 11 US Army Corps of Engineers established (1st time)
  • May 13 War of Bavarian Succession ends

Nelson Sails to Meet the Armada

Jun 8 Admiral Horatio Nelson and Captain Thomas Hardy on HMS Foudroyant set sail against Spanish fleet

Great Siege of Gibraltar

Jun 16 Spain declares war on Great Britain in support of France and the USA, starting the Great Siege of Gibraltar which goes on to last 3 years, 7 months and 2 weeks

Capture of Stony Point

Jun 16 US General Anthony Wayne captures Stony Point, New York, inflicting heavy losses on the British

  • Jun 18 French fleet occupies St Vincent, West Indies
  • Jun 20 Battle of Stono Ferry fought near Charleston, South Carolina (American Revolutionary War)
  • Jul 4 French fleet occupies Grenada
  • Jul 15 American troops under General A Wayne conquer Fort Stony Point, NY
  • Sep 3 Earl d'Orvilliers (French/Spanish Armada) sails back to Brest

'I Have Not Yet Begun To Fight'

Sep 23 John Paul Jones aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard defeats the British frigate HMS Serepis and becomes the United States first well-known naval hero

John Adams Peace Negotiator

Sep 27 John Adams appointed to negotiate Revolutionary War peace terms with Great Britain

Samuel Huntington Elected President

Sep 28 American Revolution: Samuel Huntington is elected President of the Continental Congress, succeeding John Jay

  • Oct 4 Fort Wilson Riot takes place

Blake Enters Royal Academy

Oct 8 English engraver and poet William Blake begins study at the Royal Academy, Old Somerset House, London

Siege of Savannah

Oct 9 Siege of Savannah (Georgia) during American Revolutionary War: Continental Army General Casimir Pulaski is wounded by grapeshot (a type of cluster munition), dies two days later

Benedict Arnold Court-martialed

Dec 23 American revolutionary officer Benedict Arnold court-martialed for improper conduct and profiteering

  • Dec 31 British fleet beat Dutch Merchant vessels