Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1834

  • Jan 1 German Tolunie goes into effect

Austin Imprisoned in Mexico

Jan 3 The government of Mexico imprisons Stephen F. Austin in Mexico City.

  • Jan 5 Kiowa Indians record this as the night the stars fell
  • Jan 29 President Jackson orders first use of US troops to suppress a labor dispute
  • Feb 3 Wake Forest University is established in North Carolina
  • Feb 18 1st US labor newspaper, "The Man", published, NYC
  • Feb 26 1st US interstate crime compact (NY-NJ) ratified
  • Mar 6 Toronto incorporated with William Lyon Mackenzie as its 1st mayor
  • Mar 9 French Foreign Legion is founded

Darwin Arrives in the Falklands

Mar 16 Charles Darwin, aboard HMS Beagle, anchors in the recently British-acquired Falklands Islands for the first time

  • Mar 18 1st railroad tunnel in US completed, in Pennsylvania (275 m long)
  • Mar 18 Six farm labourers from Tolpuddle, Dorset, England are sentenced to be transported to Australia for forming a trade union
  • Mar 28 Senate censure President Jackson for taking fed deposits from Bank of US
  • Apr 3 The generals in the Greek War of Independence stand trial for treason.
  • Apr 13 HMS Beagle anchors at river mouth of Rio Santa Cruz, Patagonia
  • Apr 29 Charles Darwin's expedition sees the top of the Andes Mountains from Patagonia
  • May 1 Belgian parliament accepts railway laws
  • May 8 Prussia, Austria and Russia sign classified accord about Belgium
  • May 26 Portuguese Civil war ends, Dom Miguel capitulates
  • Jun 1 HMS Beagle for anchor in Port Famine, Magallanes Street
  • Jun 2 5th national black convention meets (NYC)
  • Jun 8 HMS Beagle sails from Port Famine to Cape Turn
  • Jun 14 Hardhat diving suit patented by Leonard Norcross of Dixfield, Maine
  • Jun 14 Sandpaper patented by Isaac Fischer Jr, Springfield, Vermont
  • Jun 15 Rioters in Safed Palestine kills many Jews

Reaping Machine

Jun 21 American inventor and businessman Cyrus McCormick patents the reaping machine

  • Jun 25 Pope Gregory XVI's encyclical "Singulari nos" published
  • Jun 30 Congress creates Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)
  • Jul 5 Provisional government forms in Oregon Country
  • Jul 23 HMS Beagle anchors in Bay of Valparaiso (Chile)
  • Aug 17 Charles Darwin reaches the top of Campana in Chile during his voyage on the Beagle
  • Oct 4 Franz Grillparzer's "Der Traum ein Leben" premieres in Vienna
  • Oct 14 First African-American granted a US patent, Henry Blair, for a corn planter
  • Oct 14 In Philadelphia, Whigs and Democrats stage a gun, stone and brick battle for control of a Moyamensing Township election, resulting in one death, several injuries, and the burning down of a block of buildings.
  • Oct 16 Much of the ancient structures of the Palace of Westminster (parliament) in London is burnt down
  • Oct 28 The Battle of Pinjarra occurs in the Swan River Colony in present-day Pinjarra, Western Australia. Between 14 and 40 Aborigines are killed by British colonists.
  • Nov 1 First published reference to poker (as Mississippi riverboat game)

William Thomson

Nov 14 William Thomson, later scientist Lord Kelvin, enters Glasgow University at just 10 yrs 4 months

  • Nov 21 HMS Beagle anchors at Bay of San Carlos, Chile

Harold in Italy

Nov 23 "Harold in Italy", symphonic work for orchestra and viola by Hector Berlioz, premieres and at the Paris Conservatoire; Chrétien Urhan soloist, with Narcisse Girard conducting

  • Nov 25 Delmonico's, one of NY's finest restaurants, provides a meal of soup, steak, coffee & half a pie for 12 cents
  • Dec 3 First US dental society organized (NY)
  • Dec 23 Joseph Hansom of London receives patent for Hansom cabs