Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

George W. Bush

43rd US President George W. Bush

Profession: 43rd US President

United States of America

Political Party: Republican Republican Party
Political Titles: Governor of Texas

Presidential Term: January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2009
Preceded By: Bill Clinton
Succeeded By: Barack Obama

Biography: Previously serving as the Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000, Bush was the son of George H. W. Bush who served as President from 1989 to 1993. His election win in 2000 was a close and highly controversial victory over Al Gore.

Bush's first term was dominated by the September 11 terror attacks, which launched the country into the 'War on Terror' and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. After years of claiming Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, he authorized the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This proved to be an immensely controversial decision as no such weapons were found.

On the domestic front, Bush initiated broad tax cuts, the PATRIOT Act to strengthen security controls after 9/11 and the No Child Left Behind Act. In 2004 Bush was re-elected, defeating John Kerry. In his second term he faced increasing criticism for his handling of Hurricane Katrina and the increasingly violent Iraq War. In December 2007 the United States entered the worst economic recession since the Great Depression and Bush authorized a number of major economic programs to combat the downturn.

Bush had the highest recorded approval ratings after 9/11, at 90%, and some of the lowest approval ratings of 13% in the midst of the recession.

Born: July 6, 1946
Birthplace: New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Age: 78 years old

Generation: Baby Boomer
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Star Sign: Cancer

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1977-11-05 Future Texas governor and 43rd US President George W. Bush (31) weds Laura Welch (31) at The First United Methodist Church in Midland, Texas

Historical Events

  • 1989-04-21 George W. Bush and Edward W. Rose become joint CEOs of the Texas Rangers
  • 1995-01-17 George W. Bush sworn in as Governor of Texas
  • 2000-11-07 Controversial US presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore is inconclusive; the result, in Bush's favor, is eventually resolved by the Supreme Court
  • 2000-12-12 US Supreme Court releases its 5-4 decision in Bush v. Gore, settling the recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election in George W. Bush's favor and thus handing him the presidency over Al Gore
  • 2001-01-20 George W. Bush inaugurated as 43rd US President, Dick Cheney becomes 46th Vice President
  • 2001-05-17 US President George W. Bush calls for reduced regulations to encourage more oil, gas, and nuclear production
  • 2001-08-03 US President George W. Bush signs into law the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) Extension Act of 2001
  • 2001-08-09 US President George W. Bush announces his support for federal funding of limited research on embryonic stem cells.
  • 2001-09-20 In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, US President George W. Bush declares a "war on terror"
  • 2001-10-05 Tom Ridge resigns as Governor of Pennsylvania to become President George W. Bush's Homeland Security Advisor
  • 2001-10-08 US President George W. Bush announces the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security
  • 2001-11-13 War on Terrorism: In the first such act since World War II, US President George W. Bush signs an executive order allowing military tribunals against foreigners suspected of connections to terrorist acts or planned acts on the United States.
  • 2001-11-13 US President George W. Bush orders that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve be filled to capacity over the next few years
  • 2001-11-20 US President George W. Bush dedicates the US Department of Justice headquarters the Robert F. Kennedy Justice Building, on what would have been his 76th birthday
  • 2002-01-08 US President George W. Bush signs into law the "No Child Left Behind Act", providing financial assistance to schools exhibiting academic improvement
  • 2002-01-29 US President George W. Bush in his State of the Union address describes "regimes that sponsor terror" an "Axis of Evil", which includes Iraq, Iran and North Korea
  • 2002-06-29 US Vice President Dick Cheney, serves as Acting President for two and a half hours, while President George W. Bush undergoes a colonoscopy procedure.
  • 2002-07-30 The accounting law referred to as "The Sarbanes Oxley Act" signed into law by President George W. Bush
  • 2003-01-28 In his State of the Union address US President George W. Bush announces President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) - plan will go on to save 25 million lives worldwide (as of Jan 2023)
  • 2003-05-01 In what becomes known as the "Mission Accomplished" speech, U.S. President George W. Bush declares that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended" on board the USS Abraham Lincoln off the coast of California
  • 2003-12-14 US President George W. Bush announces the capture of Saddam Hussein
  • 2004-04-29 Dick Cheney and George W. Bush testify before the 9/11 Commission in a closed, unrecorded hearing in the Oval Office
  • 2004-11-02 George W. Bush is re-elected as President of the United States, defeating Democrat candidate John Kerry
  • 2005-02-23 Slovakia Summit 2005 begins; George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend - 1st visit of a sitting US President to Slovakia
  • 2005-05-10 A hand grenade thrown by Vladimir Arutyunian lands about 65 feet (20 metres) from U.S. President George W. Bush while giving a speech to a crowd in Tbilisi, Georgia, it malfunctions and does not detonate
  • 2006-06-29 Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that President George W. Bush's plan to try Guantanamo Bay detainees in military tribunals violates U.S. and international law.
  • 2006-12-15 American blues legend B.B. King is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President George W. Bush
  • 2008-10-03 The $700 billion bailout bill for the US financial system is signed by President George W. Bush
  • 2008-12-14 President George W. Bush make his fourth and final trip to Iraq as president and is almost struck by two shoes thrown at him by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi during a farewell conference in Baghdad
  • 2010-11-16 In University Park, Texas, the groundbreaking ceremony for the George W. Bush Presidential Center takes place
  • 2018-09-01 Memorial service for Senator John McCain at Washington National Cathedral with his daughter Meghan McCain, Barack Obama and George W. Bush speaking
  • 2018-12-05 US state funeral for former president George H. W. Bush, eulogy by George W. Bush, attended by President Donald Trump predecessors Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter
  • 2020-07-30 Barack Obama gives the eulogy at the funeral of congressman John Lewis, with former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta

Biographies and Sources

Famous US Presidents