Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Bill Clinton

42nd US President Bill Clinton

Profession: 42nd US President

United States of America

Political Party: Democratic Democratic Party
Political Titles: Governor of Arkansas, Attorney General of Arkansas

Presidential Term: January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
Preceded By: George H. W. Bush
Succeeded By: George W. Bush

Biography: Governor of Arkansas he became the first two-term Democratic President since FDR serving 1993-2001. Oversaw a period of strong economic prosperity in the US, and signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

His second term was marred by a scandal involving intern Monica Lewinsky for which he was impeached in 1998 but acquitted in 1999.

With his wife, Hillary Clinton he has continued to wield significant influence over American politics since his presidential term ended in 2000.

Born: August 19, 1946
Birthplace: Hope, Arkansas, USA
Age: 77 years old

Generation: Baby Boomer
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Star Sign: Leo

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1975-10-11 Future US President Bill Clinton (29) weds future US Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham (28) in a Methodist ceremony in their living room in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Historical Events

  • 1992-01-27 Presidential candidate Bill Clinton (D) & Genifer Flowers accuse each other of lying over her assertion they had a 12-year affair
  • 1992-10-11 1st three-way US presidential debate (George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot)
  • 1992-11-03 Democrat Bill Clinton is elected President of the United States, defeating incumbent President George H. W. Bush
  • 1993-01-20 Bill Clinton (D) inaugurated as 42nd US President
  • 1993-01-20 Maya Angelou is 1st African American and woman to recite a poem at inauguration of a US President - "On the Pulse of Morning" for Bill Clinton
  • 1993-02-11 President Clinton selects Janet Reno to be first female US Attorney General
  • 1993-06-14 Ruth Bader Ginsburg is introduced by President Bill Clinton as his nominee to the United States Supreme Court in a Rose Garden ceremony at the White House
  • 1993-06-27 Don Henley booed in Milwaukee when he dedicates the song "It's Not Easy Being Green" to President Clinton
  • 1993-07-19 President Clinton fires FBI director William Sessions
  • 1993-11-30 President Clinton signs Brady Gun Control Bill
  • 1994-02-03 President Bill Clinton lifts US trade embargo against Vietnam
  • 1994-05-08 President Clinton announces US will no longer repatriate boat people
  • 1995-01-14 Mexico pledges profits from state-owned Pemex's $7-billion-per-year oil revenues in an effort to secure US congressional approval of loan guarantees; President Clinton approves a $20-billion U.S. aid package for Mexico
  • 1995-01-31 US President Bill Clinton authorizes a $20 billion loan to Mexico to stabilize its economy
  • 1995-04-23 President Clinton declares a national day of mourning for Oklahoma City
  • 1995-11-29 US President Bill Clinton lifts ban on exports of oil from the Alaskan North Slope; the ban was imposed after the oil embargo by Arab oil producers in 1973
  • 1995-12-14 The Dayton Agreement is signed in Paris by leaders of various governments ending the conflict in the former Yugoslavia including Slobodan Milošević, Alija Izetbegović, Franjo Tuđman and Bill Clinton
  • 1996-04-30 US President Clinton approves the sale of $227 million of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; US gas prices are at their highest levels in 5 years
  • 1996-05-28 U.S. President Bill Clinton's former business partners in the Whitewater land deal, James McDougal and Susan McDougal, and Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker, are convicted of fraud.
  • 1996-08-06 US President Bill Clinton signs a new bill imposing sanctions on non-US companies which invest over $40 million a year in the energy sectors of Iran or Libya
  • 1996-08-26 US President Bill Clinton signs welfare reform into law, representing major shift in welfare policy
  • 1996-09-24 US President Bill Clinton signs the "Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty" at the United Nations
  • 1996-10-06 Bob Dole and President Bill Clinton meet in their 1st debate
  • 1996-11-05 Bill Clinton is re-elected President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate Bob Dole
  • 1997-03-04 US President Clinton bans federally funded human cloning research
  • 1997-03-14 US President Bill Clinton trips and injures his knee requiring surgery
  • 1997-05-20 US President Clinton signs an executive order barring new US investment in Burma (also known as Myanmar), effective May 21 and renewable annually
  • 1997-12-16 US President Bill Clinton names his Labrador retriever "Buddy"
  • 1998-01-07 Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky signs affidavit denying she had an affair with President Bill Clinton
  • 1998-01-17 US President Bill Clinton faces sexual harassment charges from Paula Jones
  • 1998-01-26 President Bill Clinton says "I want to say one thing to the American people; I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
  • 1998-05-22 Lewinsky scandal: a federal judge rules that United States Secret Service agents can be compelled to testify before a grand jury concerning the scandal, involving President Bill Clinton
  • 1998-05-26 Date for Paula Jones sex harassment trial vs President Clinton
  • 1998-08-17 Monica Lewinsky scandal: US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony he had an "improper physical relationship" with the intern and on the same day admits before the nation he "misled people" about the relationship
  • 1998-09-11 Independent counsel Ken Starr sends a report to the U.S. Congress accusing President Bill Clinton of 11 possible impeachable offenses.
  • 1998-10-08 US House of Representatives votes to begin impeachment hearings against President Bill Clinton on charges of lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky
  • 1998-10-27 The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act is signed into law by US President Bill Clinton
  • 1998-11-16 Monica Lewinsky signs a deal for the North American rights to a book about her affair with US President Clinton
  • 1998-12-19 US House of Representatives votes to impeach President Bill Clinton over the Lewinsky scandal, forwarding the articles of impeachment to the Senate for a trial
  • 1999-01-07 President Bill Clinton's Impeachment trial begins in the US Senate after the House voted to impeach him for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky
  • 1999-02-12 US President Bill Clinton acquitted by the Senate in his impeachment trial
  • 1999-04-12 US President Bill Clinton is cited for contempt of court for giving "intentionally false statements" in a sexual harassment civil lawsuit.
  • 2000-04-15 Giant Sequoia National Monument proclamation signed by President Bill Clinton in California, preserving one-third of all giant sequoia groves, the world's largest tree
  • 2000-05-02 President Bill Clinton announces that accurate GPS access would no longer be restricted to the United States military
  • 2000-06-21 US Senator Daniel K. Inouye and 19 other Japanese-American WWII veterans of the 442nd Regiment belatedly awarded the Medal of Honor by President Bill Clinton
  • 2000-11-16 Bill Clinton becomes the first U.S. President to visit Vietnam since the end of the Vietnam War
  • 2001-01-20 US President Bill Clinton issues 140 executive pardons on his last day in office; recipients include Marc Rich, Susan McDougall, Patty Hearst, and his brother Roger
  • 2009-08-04 Kim Jong-il meets former president Bill Clinton. He pardons and releases captured American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling who were found guilty of entering the country illegally.
  • 2012-04-03 Rock for the Rainforest benefit concert held at Carnegie Hall, NYC; performers include: Sting, Elton John, James Taylor, Jennifer Hudson, Rosanne Cash, Vince Gill, Esperanza Spaulding, Bruno Mars, Bryn Terfel, and Bill Clinton
  • 2018-06-04 Former US President Bill Clinton and James Patterson publish a thriller novel "The President is Missing" together
  • 2018-06-04 Former US President Bill Clinton in interview with NBC says he hasn't and doesn't need to apologize to Monica Lewinsky
  • 2018-09-01 Aretha Franklin's funeral held in Detroit attended by Stevie Wonder, Ariana Grande, and Bill Clinton; procession of 140 pink Cadillacs
  • 2018-12-05 US state funeral for former president George H. W. Bush, eulogy by George W. Bush, attended by President Donald Trump predecessors Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter
  • 2020-07-30 Barack Obama gives the eulogy at the funeral of congressman John Lewis, with former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta
  • 2021-09-11 Twentieth anniversary of 9/11 marked by US President Joe Biden and former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton in New York

Biographies and Sources