Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

George H. W. Bush

41st US President George H. W. Bush

Full Name: George Herbert Walker Bush
Profession: 41st US President

United States of America

Political Party: Republican Republican Party
Political Titles: Vice President, Director of Central Intelligence, Ambassador to the United Nations

Presidential Term: January 20, 1989 - January 20, 1993
Preceded By: Ronald Reagan
Succeeded By: Bill Clinton

Biography: Prior to assuming the presidency in 1989, George H. W. Bush served as the Vice President of the United States under Ronald Reagan and the Director of the CIA.

Bush's presidency was dominated by international affairs. Shortly after coming into office, the Cold War ended; a wave of revolutions spread across Europe and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. In his first year he authorized the invasion of Panama and, in 1990, Iraq under Saddam Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait.

In response to this Bush formed an international coalition and sought and received UN approval for a military intervention. The resulting conflict - the Gulf War - pushed Saddam back into Iraq and began a period of bitter hostility between the two nations.

Domestically, Bush famously promised "read my lips: no new taxes." He reneged on this promise after facing opposition from Congress. A recession in the early 1990s and a large budget deficit contributed to his loss in the 1992 election to Bill Clinton.

His son George W. Bush became president in 2001, the only father-son presidents after John Adams and John Quincy Adams.

Born: June 12, 1924
Birthplace: Milton, Massachusetts, USA

Generation: Greatest Generation
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Star Sign: Gemini

Died: November 30, 2018 (aged 94)

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1945-01-06 Future 41st US President George H. W. Bush (20) weds Barbara Pierce (19) at the First Presbyterian Church in Rye, New York

Historical Events

  • 1984-08-22 Republican convention in Dallas renominates President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H. W. Bush
  • 1988-01-25 US Vice President George H. W. Bush and Dan Rather famously clash on "CBS Evening News" as Rather attempts to question Bush about his role in Iran-Contra affair
  • 1988-12-30 Oliver North subpoenas US Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush as defense witnesses for his upcoming trial
  • 1989-01-04 George H. W. Bush is 1st sitting Vice President since Millard Filmore (in 1850) to declare himself President of the United States
  • 1989-01-20 George H. W. Bush inaugurated as 41st US President, Dan Quayle becomes 44th Vice President
  • 1989-03-09 US Senate rejects President George H. W. Bush's nomination of John Tower as Defense Secretary
  • 1989-05-11 US President George H. W. Bush orders 1,900 additional troops to Panama
  • 1989-11-21 Law banning smoking on most domestic flights signed by US President George H. W. Bush
  • 1989-12-03 Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George H. W. Bush, declare the Cold War over
  • 1990-03-28 US President George H. W. Bush posthumously awards Jesse Owens the Congressional Gold Medal
  • 1990-06-25 African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela meets with President George H. W. Bush at the White House
  • 1990-07-26 US President George H. W. Bush signs Americans With Disabilities Act
  • 1990-08-02 US President George H. W. Bush orders troops to Saudi Arabia
  • 1990-08-22 US President George H. W. Bush calls up military reserves
  • 1990-09-16 Iraq televises an 8 minute uncensored speech from George H. W. Bush
  • 1990-09-24 South African President F. W. de Klerk meets US President George H. W. Bush in Washington, D.C.
  • 1990-10-01 US President George H. W. Bush at UN, condemns Iraq's takeover of Kuwait
  • 1990-11-15 US President George H. W. Bush signs Clear Air Act of 1990
  • 1990-11-22 George H. W. Bush visits US troops in Saudi Arabia
  • 1990-11-30 US President George H. W. Bush offers to send Secretary of State James Baker to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein
  • 1991-01-12 US Congress gives George H. W. Bush authority to wage war against Iraq
  • 1991-02-23 US President George H. W. Bush gives Iraq a 24-hour deadline to withdraw from Kuwait or face a ground war
  • 1991-03-06 Following Iraq's capitulation in the Persian Gulf conflict, US President George H. W. Bush told Congress that "aggression is defeated. The war is over"
  • 1991-05-04 US President George H. W. Bush is hospitalized for erratic heartbeat
  • 1991-05-15 US President George H. W. Bush takes Queen Elizabeth to Oakland A's-Baltimore Oriole game
  • 1991-08-16 US President George H. W. Bush declares recession is near an end
  • 1991-09-27 US President George H. W. Bush decides to end full-time B-52 bombers alert
  • 1992-01-08 George H. W. Bush falls ill and vomits on Japanese prime minister's lap
  • 1992-03-03 US President George H. W. Bush apologizes for raising taxes after pledging not to
  • 1992-05-23 US President George H. W. Bush orders Coast Guard to intercept boats with Haitian refugees
  • 1992-10-05 US congress votes to override George H. W. Bush's veto of a bill regulating cable TV companies, 1st overturn of a Bush veto
  • 1992-10-11 1st three-way US presidential debate (George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot)
  • 1992-11-03 Democrat Bill Clinton is elected President of the United States, defeating incumbent President George H. W. Bush
  • 1992-12-04 US President George H. W. Bush orders 28,000 US troops to war-torn Somalia
  • 1992-12-11 US President George H.W. Bush awards actress and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn the Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • 1992-12-24 US President George H. W. Bush pardons Caspar Weinberger for Iran-contra affair
  • 1993-01-03 In Moscow, the Start II arms reduction treaty is signed by George H. W. Bush (USA) and Boris Yeltsin (Russia)
  • 1993-06-26 The U.S. launches a cruise missile attack targeting Baghdad intelligence headquarters in retaliation for a thwarted assassination attempt against former President George H. W. Bush in April in Kuwait.
  • 2003-03-31 Cincinnati Reds open their new home, The Great American Ball Park, with a 10-1 loss to the Pittsburgh Pirates; former President George H. W. Bush throws first ceremonial pitch
  • 2018-12-05 National day of mourning for former US President George H. W. Bush as he lies in state at the Capitol Rotunda, Washington
  • 2018-12-05 US state funeral for former president George H. W. Bush, eulogy by George W. Bush, attended by President Donald Trump predecessors Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter

Biographies and Sources