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Gustav IV Adolf

King of Sweden Gustav IV Adolf

Profession: King of Sweden


Biography: Gustav IV Adolf was a King of Sweden who ruled from 1792 until his deposition in 1809 and was the last Swedish monarch over Finland. His reign ended following a military coup, resulting in the significant limitation of royal power and his family's exclusion from succession. After abdication, he lived in exile until his death.

Gustav IV Adolf was born in Stockholm as the son of King Gustav III of Sweden and Queen Sophia Magdalena. His early education was entrusted to a series of tutors, with Nils von Rosenstein having a significant influence on his liberal upbringing. At 13, he became king after his father's assassination, with his uncle Charles serving as regent.

In 1796, Gustav IV Adolf's trip to Saint Petersburg aimed at arranging his marriage with Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna was unsuccessful due to his refusal to allow her freedom of worship.

When he came of age, ending the regency, he became increasingly involved in European anti-Jacobin politics, married Friederike Dorothea of Baden, and delayed his coronation to avoid calling a diet due to the country's financial troubles.

During Gustav IV Adolf's reign, Sweden entered the Third Coalition against Napoleon, leading to costly military campaigns. After Russia's allyship with France, Russian forces occupied Finland, marking the start of Sweden's loss of the territory. The resulting poor political and military decisions by Gustav IV Adolf led to a coup d'état and his eventual forced abdication. In exile, he lived a reclusive life under a pseudonym until his death.

Gustav IV Adolf married Frederica Dorothea Wilhelmina of Baden, and they had five children. His lineage included Crown Prince Gustav and Princess Sofia Wilhelmina, connecting him to the current Swedish royal house. After divorcing his wife, he had mistresses and an illegitimate son. His remains were eventually returned to Sweden for burial after a suggestion by King Oscar II.

Born: November 1, 1778
Birthplace: Stockholm Palace, Sweden
Star Sign: Scorpio

Died: February 7, 1837 (aged 58)
Cause of Death: Stroke

Married Life

  • 1791-10-31 King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden (18) marries Frederica of Baden (16) at Drottningholm Palace for the second time (1st by proxy) (divorced 1812)

Historical Events

  • 1792-03-29 King Gustav III of Sweden dies after being shot in the back at a midnight masquerade ball at Stockholm's Royal Opera just 13 days earlier. He is succeeded by Gustav IV Adolf.
  • 1809-03-09 A group of conspirators break into Gripsholm Castle and imprison King Gustav IV Adolf and appoint Charles XIII in his place as Regent of Sweden
  • 1809-03-29 King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden abdicates after a coup d'état. At the Diet of Porvoo, Finland's four Estates pledge allegiance to Alexander I of Russia, commencing the secession of the Grand Duchy of Finland from Sweden.

Biographies and Sources

Famous Kings