Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Hillary Clinton

US Secretary of State, Senator and US First Lady Hillary Clinton

Full Name: Hillary Diane Rodham
Profession: US Secretary of State, Senator and US First Lady

United States of America

Biography: Born in Chicago, Hillary Rodham trained as a lawyer at Yale before meeting Bill Clinton in Arkansas and marrying him. As Hillary Clinton she served as first lady through her husband's presidency (1993-2001) and supported him throughout the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Elected herself in 2000 as Democratic Senator for New York, Clinton supported the war in Iraq.

She campaigned for the democratic nomination for President in 2008, losing to Barack Obama. She later became US Secretary of State in his administration.

In 2016 she became the Democratic nominee for President, the first woman presidential nominee from a major party in American history.

Born: October 26, 1947
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Age: 76 years old

Generation: Baby Boomer
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Star Sign: Scorpio

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1975-10-11 Future US President Bill Clinton (29) weds future US Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham (28) in a Methodist ceremony in their living room in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Historical Events

  • 2000-11-07 Hillary Clinton is elected to the US Senate, becoming first US First Lady to win public office and while still the First Lady
  • 2007-11-30 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign office hostage crisis: Leeland Eisenberg enters campaign office of Hillary Clinton in Rochester, New Hampshire with suspected bomb and holds three people hostage for 5 hours
  • 2013-02-01 John Kerry succeeds Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State
  • 2015-04-12 Hillary Clinton announces she will run for the Democratic nominee for US President for the 2nd time
  • 2016-01-17 Fourth Democratic presidential candidates debate: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clash over healthcare and gun control in Charleston, South Carolina
  • 2016-02-01 Iowa Caucuses: Republican Ted Cruz defeats Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton beats Bernie Sanders by a coin toss
  • 2016-02-09 US primary elections: New Hampshire Primary, In Republican race Donald Trump wins (35%), John Kasich 2nd (16%), and Bernie Sanders (60%) defeats Hillary Clinton (38%) in Democratic race
  • 2016-02-20 US primary elections: Nevada Democratic Primary - Hillary Clinton wins with 52.6%
  • 2016-03-01 US primary elections: Super Tuesday - both Republican Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton win seven state races each
  • 2016-03-05 US primary elections: Super Saturday - Republican Donald Trump and Ted Cruz win 2 states, Democratics Bernie Sanders wins 2, Hillary Clinton one
  • 2016-06-09 US President Barack Obama officially endorses Hillary Clinton as Democratic Presidential nominee
  • 2016-06-09 Elizabeth Warren formally endorses Hillary Clinton for president
  • 2016-07-05 FBI releases report stating Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" handling classified emails but doesn't recommend prosecution
  • 2016-07-12 Bernie Sanders endorses fellow Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a speech in New Hampshire
  • 2016-07-22 Hillary Clinton announces Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her Vice Presidential running mate
  • 2016-07-29 Hillary Clinton accepts the Democratic nomination for US President at Democratic convention in Philadelphia - first woman by a major US party
  • 2016-09-26 First US Presidential debate: Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton vs Republican Donald Trump at Hofstra University
  • 2016-10-09 Second US Presidential debate: Hostile confrontation between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at Washington University, St. Louis
  • 2016-10-19 Third US Presidential debate: Donald Trump notably refuses to say if he will accept the result of election during debate with Hillary Clinton at Nevada University, Las Vegas
  • 2016-11-08 Republican Donald Trump is elected 45th President of the United States of America, defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton, with an Electoral College victory of 304- 227; Clinton received just under 2.9 million more popular votes
  • 2017-09-13 Martin Shkreli's bail revoked after he judged risk to community for posting $5,000 bounty for a strand of Hillary Clinton's hair

Biographies and Sources