Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Richard Nixon

37th US President Richard Nixon

Profession: 37th US President

United States of America

Political Party: Republican Republican Party
Political Titles: Vice President, Senator from California

Presidential Term: January 20, 1969 - August 9, 1974
Preceded By: Lyndon B. Johnson
Succeeded By: Gerald Ford

Biography: Nixon served as Vice President under Dwight D. Eisenhower before losing election to John F. Kennedy in 1960. He finally won the presidency in 1968, succeeding Lyndon B. Johnson.

Nixon's early presidency was consumed with ending the Vietnam War, which had deeply polarized the nation by the time of his election. He reached an accord with North Vietnam and ended military involvement by 1973, at the same time ending the military draft. His landmark visit to China in 1972 helped initiate detente, a period of warming relations with the Soviet Union and the communist bloc.

Domestically Nixon enforced desegregation of Southern schools and imposed wage and price controls for ninety days. He also established the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced a policy of New Federalism which gradually transferred some power to the states.

In 1972, after winning one of the biggest landslide re-elections in American history, Nixon's presidency slowly became consumed by the Watergate scandal. A break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters by burglars linked to the Nixon administration, and Nixon's attempts to cover it up led to a constitutional crisis. Facing certain impeachment in 1974, Nixon resigned, becoming the only president to do so.

Watergate greatly diminished Nixon's historical reputation, and in a famous interview with David Frost in 1977 he apologized for his role in the scandal.

Born: January 9, 1913
Birthplace: Yorba Linda, California, USA

Generation: Greatest Generation
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Star Sign: Capricorn

Died: April 22, 1994 (aged 81)
Cause of Death: Stroke

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1940-06-21 37th US President Richard Nixon (27) weds Pat Ryan (28) at the Mission Inn in Riverside, California

Historical Events

  • 1952-09-23 US vice-presidential candidate Richard Nixon makes his "Checkers Speech", defending the gift of a cocker spaniel to his daughters
  • 1953-11-19 US VP Richard Nixon visits Hanoi
  • 1955-07-22 Richard Nixon becomes the first US Vice President to preside over a cabinet meeting
  • 1956-08-22 US President Eisenhower and VP Richard Nixon renominated by Republican convention in San Francisco
  • 1958-04-28 US Vice President Richard Nixon begins goodwill tour of Latin America
  • 1958-05-08 US VP Richard Nixon is shoved, stoned, booed and spat upon by protesters in Peru
  • 1958-05-13 The motorcade carrying US Vice President Richard Nixon is attacked in Caracas, Venezuela; several of Nixon's staff are injured
  • 1959-07-23 US Vice President Richard Nixon begins visit to the USSR
  • 1959-07-24 US Vice President Richard Nixon argues with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in Moscow, known as the "Kitchen Debate"
  • 1959-11-21 Entertainer Jack Benny (violin) and US Vice-President Richard Nixon (piano) play their famed duet
  • 1960-07-27 US Vice-president Richard Nixon nominated for presidential candidate at Republican convention in Chicago
  • 1960-07-28 US Republican National convention selects Richard Nixon as candidate
  • 1960-10-07 JFK and Richard Nixon's second presidential debate
  • 1960-10-12 JFK and Richard Nixon's third presidential debate
  • 1960-11-08 John F. Kennedy is elected President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate Richard Nixon who was the incumbent Vice President
  • 1962-11-07 Richard Nixon tells press he won't be available to kick around any more after losing election for Governor of California
  • 1968-02-01 Former US VP Richard Nixon announces candidacy for president
  • 1968-08-08 Republican convention in Miami Beach nominates Richard Nixon for president
  • 1968-09-16 Richard Nixon appears on "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in"
  • 1968-11-05 Republican candidate Richard Nixon is elected President of the United States, defeating Democrat candidate Hubert Humphrey and Independent candidate George Wallace
  • 1968-12-02 US President Richard Nixon names Henry Kissinger security advisor
  • 1969-08-02 US President Richard Nixon visits Romania
  • 1970-01-19 US President Richard Nixon nominates G. Harold Carswell to Supreme Court, approval rejected by US Senate
  • 1970-02-18 US President Richard Nixon launches the "Nixon doctrine"
  • 1970-04-01 US President Richard Nixon signs bill limiting cigarette advertisements from 1st Jan 1971
  • 1970-05-14 Harry Blackmun (61), nominated by Richard Nixon, earns seat on US Supreme Court after confirmation by US Senate, 94-0; serves until 1994
  • 1970-06-22 President Richard Nixon signs extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that requires voting age at 18 in all federal, state, and local elections
  • 1970-09-22 US President Richard Nixon requests 1,000 new FBI agents for college campuses
  • 1970-11-03 US President Richard Nixon promises gradual troop removal of Vietnam
  • 1970-12-21 Elvis Presley meets US President Richard Nixon in the White House - the image of this meeting is the most requested photo from the entire National Archives
  • 1971-02-14 President Richard Nixon installs a secret taping system in the White House
  • 1971-04-07 US President Richard Nixon orders lt Calley (Mi Lai) free
  • 1971-04-14 US President Richard Nixon ends blockade against People's Republic of China
  • 1971-05-18 US President Richard Nixon rejects 60 demands of Congressional Black Caucus
  • 1971-07-15 US President Richard Nixon announces he will visit the People's Republic of China
  • 1971-08-15 US President Richard Nixon announces 90-day freeze on wages, prices & rents
  • 1971-12-23 US President Richard Nixon commutes remaining 8 years of Teamsters labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa's 13-year jail term for bribery and fraud
  • 1972-02-17 US President Richard Nixon leaves Washington, D.C. for a groundbreaking trip to China
  • 1972-02-21 Richard Nixon becomes the first US President to visit China, normalizing relations between the countries in a meeting with Chinese leader Mao Zedong in Beijing
  • 1972-02-22 US President Richard Nixon, meets with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in Beijing
  • 1972-02-27 US President Richard Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai issue Shanghai Communique
  • 1972-02-28 US President Richard Nixon ends historic week-long visit to China
  • 1972-05-26 US President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev sign SALT accord
  • 1972-11-07 Incumbent President Richard Nixon is re-elected, defeating Democrat candidate George McGovern in a landslide by winning 49 states
  • 1972-12-30 US President Richard Nixon halts bombing of North Vietnam & announces peace talks
  • 1973-01-15 US President Richard Nixon suspends all US offensive action in North Vietnam
  • 1973-01-20 Richard Nixon's second inauguration as President of the United States takes place in Washington, D.C.
  • 1973-01-23 US President Richard Nixon announces an accord has been reached to end the Vietnam War
  • 1973-03-21 White House Counsel John Dean tells US President Richard Nixon, "There is a cancer growing on the Presidency"
  • 1973-06-14 US President Richard Nixon administration imposes 60-day economy-wide price freeze, superseding Special Rule No. 1 for oil companies
  • 1973-07-23 US President Richard Nixon refuses to release Watergate tapes of conversations in the White House relevant to the Watergate investigation
  • 1973-09-14 US President Richard Nixon signed into law a measure lifting pro football's blackout
  • 1973-10-12 US President Richard Nixon nominates Gerald Ford to replace Spiro Agnew as Vice President
  • 1973-10-23 Richard Nixon agrees to turn over White House tape recordings to Judge John Sirica
  • 1973-11-16 US President Richard Nixon authorizes construction of the Alaskan pipeline
  • 1973-11-17 US President Richard Nixon tells AP "...people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook"
  • 1973-11-21 US President Richard Nixon's attorney, J. Fred Buzhardt, reveals presence of 18½ minute gap in a White House tape recording related to Watergate
  • 1973-11-27 US President Richard Nixon signs the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act, authorizing petroleum price, production, allocation and marketing controls
  • 1974-01-02 55 MPH speed limit imposed by Richard Nixon
  • 1974-01-04 US President Richard Nixon refuses to hand over tapes subpoenaed by Watergate Committee
  • 1974-02-06 US House of Reps begins determining grounds for impeachment of President Richard Nixon
  • 1974-03-02 Grand jury concludes US President Richard Nixon is involved in Watergate cover-up
  • 1974-04-29 US President Richard Nixon said he will release edited tapes made in the White House
  • 1974-04-30 US President Richard Nixon hands over partial transcripts of Watergate tape recordings
  • 1974-07-21 US House Judiciary approves two Articles of Impeachment against President Richard Nixon
  • 1974-08-05 US President Richard Nixon admits he withheld information about Watergate break-in
  • 1974-08-08 US President Richard Nixon announces he will resign at 12pm the next day
  • 1974-08-09 Richard Nixon resigns as President of the United States and Vice President Gerald Ford swears the oath of office to take his place as the 38th US President
  • 1974-09-08 US President Gerald Ford pardons former President Richard Nixon of all federal crimes
  • 1975-08-10 David Frost purchases exclusive rights to interview former US President Richard Nixon
  • 1976-02-27 Final meeting between Mao Zedong and Richard Nixon
  • 1978-07-01 Former US President Richard Nixon makes 1st public speech since resigning in 1974
  • 1981-10-08 US President Ronald Reagan greets predecessors Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon before sending them to Egypt for Anwar Sadat's funeral
  • 1985-11-26 Random House buys former US President Richard Nixon's memoirs for $3,000,000
  • 1994-04-18 Former US President Richard Nixon suffers a stroke and passes away 4 days later
  • 1994-04-27 Former US President Richard Nixon buried in Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California