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Roman Emperor Trajan

Profession: Roman Emperor

Roman Empire

Biography: Trajan was a Roman emperor who expanded the empire to its greatest territorial extent. He ruled from 98 to 117 CE and is often considered one of Rome's best leaders.

Trajan began his career as a soldier, rising through the ranks of the Roman army. He was adopted by Emperor Nerva in 97 CE, becoming his heir. Upon Nerva's death, Trajan became emperor and quickly set out to secure the empire's borders.

He led successful military campaigns against Dacia, modern-day Romania, conquering it in two wars. Trajan then turned his attention to the east, launching a campaign against Parthia. These conquests greatly expanded Roman territory.

At home, Trajan initiated large public works projects. He built Trajan's Forum and Trajan's Column in Rome. The column, which still stands today, depicts scenes from his Dacian wars.

Trajan also implemented social welfare programs. One such program, called alimenta, provided support for orphans and poor children. He corresponded with Pliny the Younger, a writer and imperial official, on matters of provincial governance.

The Roman Senate gave Trajan the title "Optimus Princeps," meaning "the best ruler." He died in 117 CE while returning from his Parthian campaign. Trajan was succeeded by his adopted heir, Hadrian, who abandoned some of Trajan's eastern conquests.

Born: September 18, 53
Birthplace: Italica, Ancient Hispania
Star Sign: Virgo

Died: August 9, 117 (aged 63)

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Famous Roman Emperors