Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

What Happened in 1913

Major Events

  • Jan 16 British House of Commons accepts Home Rule for Ireland (but the Great War gets in the way of it happening)
  • Apr 8 China's National Assembly opens in Peking, the first free democratic parliament in Chinese history
  • May 30 Treaty of London signed by the Great Powers, the Ottoman Empire and the victorious Balkan League (Serbia, Greece, Kingdom of Bulgaria, and Montenegro) bringing an end to the First Balkan War
  • Jul 12 150,000 Ulstermen gather and resolve to resist Irish Home Rule by force of arms; since the British Liberals have promised the Irish nationalists Home Rule, civil war appears imminent
  • Nov 6 Mahatma Gandhi arrested for leading Indian miners' march in South Africa
  • Dec 1 Ford Motor Company institutes world's 1st moving assembly line for the Model T Ford
  • Dec 11 "Mona Lisa" recovered two years after it was stolen from the Louvre Museum
  • More 1913 Events

1913 in Film & TV

  • May 26 US Actors' Equity Association forms (NYC)
  • Dec 29 1st movie serial "Adventures of Kathlyn" premieres in Chicago

1913 in Music

  • Jul 19 Billboard publishes earliest known "Last Week's 10 Best Sellers Among Popular Songs"; "Malinda's Wedding Day" by singers Byron Harlan and Arthur Collins is #1 (recorded in Camden, New Jersey)

Did You Know?

After using other pseudonyms over the years, Josef Dzhugashvili signs himself as Stalin ("man of steel") in a letter to the newspaper Social Democrat

January 12, 1913

More People Born in 1913

Fun Fact About 1913

Alfred Carlton Gilbert's patent for the Erector Set is issued, it becomes one of the most popular toys of all time

July 8, 1913

More 1913 Deaths

Famous Weddings in 1913

More Weddings in 1913