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Hungarian History Timeline

Hungary: Budapest

Events in Hungarian History

Events 1 - 200 of 224

  • 0955-08-10 Battle of Lechfeld: Otto I, King of the Germans defeats the Hungarian, ending 50 years of Magyar invasion of Western Europe.
  • 1000-08-20 The foundation of the Hungarian state, Hungary is established as a Christian kingdom by Stephen I of Hungary.
  • 1000-12-25 Monarch Istvan crowned king of Hungary
  • 1044-07-06 The Battle of Ménfő takes place in Hungary, won by a German force led by Peter Orseolo over Hungarians
  • 1060-12-06 Béla I of Hungary is crowned king of Hungary
  • 1241-04-11 Battle of Mohi: Mongols led by Batu and Subedei defeat Hungarian King Béla IV in the major battle in during Mongolian invasion of Hungary, with 30,000 Hungarians slain
  • 1246-06-15 Battle at Leitha river between Hungarian forces of King Béla IV of Hungary and Austrian army of Duke Frederick II - Austrian victory but Frederick is killed
  • 1330-11-09 Battle of Posada, Wallachian voievode Basarab I defeats the Hungarian army in an ambush
  • 1387-02-24 King Charles III of Naples and Hungary is assassinated at Buda
  • 1408-12-12 Order of the Dragon: The Order of the Dragon was first created on December 12, 1408 by Emperor Sigismund, then King of Hungary, and his wife Queen Barbara of Celje following the battle for possession of Bosnia.
  • 1438-01-01 Albert II of Habsburg crowned King of Hungary after the death of his father-in-law King Sigismund
  • 1448-10-17 Second Battle of Kosovo, where the mainly Hungarian army led by John Hunyadi were defeated by an Ottoman army led by Sultan Murad II.
  • 1456-07-22 Battle at Nandorfehervar (Belgrade): Hungarian army under Janos Hunyadi beats Sultan Murad II
  • 1458-01-24 Matthias I Corvinus chosen King of Hungary
  • 1467-01-30 Battle at Velke Kostolany: Hungarian king Mátyás Corvinus beats Bratrici
  • 1467-12-15 Stephen III of Moldavia defeats Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, with the latter being injured thrice, at the Battle of Baia
  • 1485-06-01 Matthias of Hungary takes Vienna from Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III

Battle of Mohács

1526-08-29 Battle of Mohács: In a decisive battle the Hungarian Empire is conquered by the Ottoman Empire led by Suleiman the Magnificent

  • 1526-11-09 Jews are expelled from Pressburg (Bratislava), Hungary, by Maria of Hapsburg
  • 1526-11-10 John I Zapolyai of Transsylvania chosen as king of Hungary
  • 1527-11-03 Ferdinand of Austria and Bohemia chosen as king of Hungary
  • 1528-02-24 John Zápolya the disputed King of Hungary and Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sign treaty
  • 1529-05-27 30 Jews of Posing, Hungary, charged with blood ritual, burned at stake
  • 1531-01-31 King Ferdinand of Austria and King John Zapolya of Hungary officially recognise each other
  • 1538-02-24 Treaty of Nagyvarad/Peace of Grosswardein signed between Ferdinand I of Austria and John Zápolya of Hungary.
  • 1539-02-19 Jews of Tyrnau Hungary (then Trnava Czech), expelled
  • 1540-07-23 Turkey recognizes John Sigismund Zápolya as vassal king of Hungary
  • 1541-08-21 Ottoman Turks under Suleiman the Magnificent capture Buda, the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom and go on to dominate central Hungary for 150 years
  • 1544-05-01 Turkish troops occupy Hungary
  • 1551-07-19 Treaty of Karlsburg: arch duke Ferdinand of Austria recognized as King of Hungary/Transsylvania

Retirement of Charles V

1556-09-15 Charles V and Maria of Hungary return to Spain and retire to the Monastery of Yuste in Extremadura

Treaty of Speyer

1570-08-16 Treaty of Speyer establishing Principality of Transylvania signed by King of Hungary John Sigismund Zápolyai and Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II

  • 1596-10-24 -26] Battle at Kerestes: Ottoman beat Austria-Hungary & Germany
  • 1607-06-25 Mentally ill Emperor Rudolf II signs Treaty of Lieben, giving up Austria, Hungary and Moravia

Elizabeth Báthory Arrested

1610-12-30 Hungarian aristocrat Elizabeth Báthory arrested at Csejte Castle on suspicion of killing and torturing hundreds of young girls and women

  • 1611-01-07 Trial of Hungarian aristocrat Elizabeth Báthory for killing and torturing hundreds of young women, later sentenced to house arrest for the rest of her life
  • 1619-09-15 Prince Bethlen Gabor's troops occupy Pozsony (Pressburg) Hungary

Hungary Makes Peace

1620-02-04 Prince Bethlen Gabor of Hungary signs peace with Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II

  • 1621-12-31 Hungarian King Bethlen Gabor and Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II sign the Treaty of Mikulov, ending war between them
  • 1624-05-08 Hungarian King Bethlen Gabor and Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II sign the Treaty of Vienna, confirming the Peace of Nikolsburg agreed in 1621
  • 1681-11-09 Hungarian parliament promises protestants freedom of religion
  • 1687-08-12 Battle of Mohacs: Ottoman invaders of Hungary routed by forces of Holy Roman Emperor under Charles of Lorraine
  • 1687-10-11 Hungary accepts Habsburg sovereignty
  • 1705-10-01 Parliament declares Hungary independent, French Rákóczi becomes king
  • 1707-06-13 Hungary declares itself independent under Ferenc Rákóczi II (aka Francis II Rákóczi)
  • 1708-08-03 Battle at Trencsén: Austria beats Hungarian rebellion army

Event of Interest

1711-05-01 Habsburg Emperor Charles VI and Hungarian nobles including Sándor Károlyi sign Peace of Szatmar ending rebellion led by Francis II Rákóczi

  • 1722-06-30 Hungarian Parliament condemns Emperor Charles VI's Pragmatic Sanctions - to recognise his daughters as his heirs
  • 1723-12-06 Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI's Pragmatic Sanction with the Diet of Hungary recognizes the King's daughters as successors
  • 1740-10-20 Maria Theresa becomes ruler of Austria, Hungary & Bohemia
  • 1741-09-11 Queen Maria Theresa addresses Hungarian Parliament
  • 1787-08-17 Jews are granted permission in Budapest Hungary to pray in groups
  • 1794-08-16 Hungarian revolutionary Ignác Martinovics arrested in Vienna
  • 1846-06-24 Residency tax on Jews of Hungary abolished
  • 1848-03-15 A revolution breaks out in Hungary. The Habsburg rulers are compelled to meet the demands of the Reform party.
  • 1848-04-11 Hungary becomes constitutional monarchy under King Ferdinand of Austria
  • 1848-09-29 Battle of Pákozd: Hungarian forces defeat Croats at Pákozd; the first battle of the War of Independence

Franz Joseph I

1848-12-02 Franz Joseph I proclaimed Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia at Olmütz after the abdication of his uncle Ferdinand I

  • 1849-04-14 Hungary declares itself independent of Austria with Louis Kossuth as its leader
  • 1849-08-09 Hungarian Republic crushed by Austria & Russia
  • 1849-10-06 The execution of the 13 Martyrs of Arad after the Hungarian war of independence
  • 1851-04-15 Earl G Andressy sentenced to death in Hungary
  • 1866-04-08 Italy and Prussia ally against Austria-Hungary.
  • 1867-02-08 The Ausgleich (compromise) establishes the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary
  • 1867-02-17 Gyula Andressy becomes premier of Hungary
  • 1873-11-17 Rival cities of Buda & Pest unite to form the capital of Hungary
  • 1879-10-07 Germany & Austrian-Hungary sign Twofold Covenant
  • 1881-06-16 Austria-Hungary and Serbia sign military treaty

Triple Alliance Signed

1882-05-20 Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy sign the Triple Alliance

  • 1883-05-15 Italy signs military treaty with Austria-Hungary & Germany
  • 1883-10-30 Austria-Hungary, Germany and Romania sign military treaty
  • 1884-12-24 Austria-Hungary admits King Leopold II's Congo Free State
  • 1885-11-27 1st photograph of a meteor taken by Austro-Hungarian photographer Ladislaus Weinek in Prague, Austrian-Hungarian Empire
  • 1887-02-20 Germany, Austria-Hungary & France end Triple Alliance
  • 1887-12-10 Austria-Hungary, Italy and Great Britain sign Balkan military treaty

Crown Prince's Suicide Pact

1889-01-30 Archduke Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian crown, is found dead with his mistress Baroness Mary Vetsera in Mayerling in an apparent suicide pact

Der Judenstaat

1896-02-14 Austro-Hungarian Zionist Theodor Herzl publishes "Der Judenstaat" (The Jewish State), encouraging Jews to purchase land in Palestine

  • 1901-01-31 Austro-Hungarian Empire: The Reichsrath, dissolved on September 7, 1900, by Emperor Franz Joseph, reopens after the recent elections sees the defeat of extremists
  • 1901-02-04 Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph I, gives a speech condemning the demands of national groups and calls for economic and social reform
  • 1902-06-28 Germany, Italy, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire renew their Triple Alliance for six more years
  • 1905-02-01 Hungarian premier Count István Tisza resigns
  • 1905-11-22 British, Italian, Russian, French and Austro-Hungarian fleet attacks Lesbos
  • 1908-05-07 Emperor Franz-Joseph celebrates his golden jubilee with festivities throughout the Austro-Hungarian empire
  • 1908-10-07 Serbia & Montenegro sign anti-Austria-Hungarian pact
  • 1909-02-16 Serbia mobilizes against Austria-Hungary
  • 1911-07-31 Hungarian education is only taught in German
  • 1912-12-16 Austria-Hungary engage in conflict with Serbia
  • 1914-07-23 Austria-Hungary presents an ultimatum to Serbia; demanding acceptance within 48 hours making peacekeeping difficult
  • 1914-07-25 Germany Socialist-Democrat Party declares: "No German blood for Austrian tyrant" in response to German support of Austria-Hungary
  • 1914-07-25 Serbia meets the deadlines of Austria-Hungary's ultimatum and gives a conciliatory reply, though Serbia is mobilizing
  • 1914-07-28 Austria-Hungary decides against mediation and declares war on Serbia - first declaration of war of WWI
  • 1914-07-29 Austrian-Hungary bombs Belgrade
  • 1914-08-05 Montenegro declares war against Austria-Hungary in World War I
  • 1914-08-06 WWI: Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
  • 1914-08-12 France and Great Britain declare war on Austria-Hungary
  • 1914-12-15 Serbian troops retake Belgrade in Austria-Hungary
  • 1915-05-04 Italy drops Triple Alliance with Austria-Hungary & Germany
  • 1915-05-23 Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary during WW I
  • 1915-11-08 An Austrian-Hungarian submarine torpedoes and sinks the Italian liner 'Ancona' without warning, killing over 200 people
  • 1916-01-05 Austria-Hungary offensive against Montenegro
  • 1916-01-25 Montenegro surrenders to Austria-Hungary
  • 1916-02-11 Germany and Austria-Hungary notify the US that they will sink any armed merchant ships starting on 1 March
  • 1916-02-16 The US rejects the right of Germany and Austria-Hungary to sink armed merchant ships
  • 1916-08-27 Romania declares war on Austria-Hungary

Kingdom of Poland

1916-11-05 German Emperor Wilhelm II and Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I establish the Kingdom of Poland

  • 1917-01-08 Austria-Hungarian troops conquer Forlani Italy
  • 1917-11-26 The new government of Russia offers an armistice to Germany and Austria-Hungary
  • 1918-09-14 WWI: Austria-Hungary sends a note to the Allies requesting peace discussions, but the Allies reject the offer
  • 1918-10-18 Czechoslovakia declares independence from Austro-Hungarian Empire
  • 1918-10-28 Czechoslovakia gains independence as Austria-Hungary breaks up
  • 1918-10-31 Short-lived Banat Republic founded in territory where Romania, Hungary and Serbia meet
  • 1918-11-03 Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolves
  • 1918-11-04 The Allied armistice with Austria-Hungary, signed 3 November, goes into effect
  • 1918-11-12 Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary abdicates, Austria becomes a republic
  • 1918-11-16 Hungarian People's Republic declared
  • 1918-11-24 Béla Can forms Hungarian Communist Party
  • 1919-08-04 Hungarian communist leader Béla Kun flees to Vienna after the Hungarian Soviet Republic is overthrown by the Romanian Army
  • 1919-08-06 Romanian forces bring down Hungarian Soviet Republic in Budapest
  • 1919-11-16 Admiral Miklós Horthy, head of the Hungarian National Army, seizes Budapest and will later become regent of the restored Kingdom of Hungary

Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

1919-11-19 US Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles by a vote of 55 to 39; Congress two years later approves resolution ending hostilities with Germany and Austria-Hungary

  • 1920-03-01 Miklós Horthy is elected Regent of Hungary, which had adopted a constitution on 28 February
  • 1920-06-04 Peace of Trianon between Allies & Hungary
  • 1921-08-23 Austria and the US formally end war; the US does the same with Germany on the 25th, and Hungary on the 29th
  • 1921-10-21 Former Hungarian King Karl stages a second attempted coup and is arrested
  • 1921-11-07 Hungary passes a law invalidating the Habsburg line of succession to the throne
  • 1922-09-18 Hungary admitted to League of Nations
  • 1924-12-09 Netherlands & Hungary trade treaty signed
  • 1928-07-20 The government of Hungary issues a decree ordering Gypsies to end their nomadic ways, settle permanently in one place, subject themselves to the same laws and taxes as other Hungarians
  • 1931-01-26 Hungary-Austria sign peace treaty
  • 1931-08-23 Count Gyula Károlyi becomes premier of Hungary
  • 1932-04-04 Charles G. King, University of Pittsburgh isolates Vitamin C, using adrenal samples provided by Hungarian Albert Szent-Györgyi
  • 1932-09-22 Hungarian government of Károlyi falls
  • 1932-10-04 Anti-semite Julius Gombos forms new government in Hungary
  • 1933-02-22 Hungarian scholar and the founder of Tibetan studies Alexander Csoma de Kőrös declared a Bodhisattva (Buddhist saint) in Japan

Atomic Chain-reaction Patented

1934-07-04 Hungarian physicist Leó Szilárd patents the chain-reaction design for the atomic bomb

  • 1936-03-23 Italy, Austria & Hungary sign Pact of Rome
  • 1939-03-16 Hungary annexes republic of Karpato-Ukraine
  • 1939-04-11 Hungary leaves League of Nations
  • 1940-11-20 World War II: Hungary, Romania and Slovakia join the Axis Powers
  • 1941-08-02 Jews are expelled from Hungarian Ruthenia
  • 1942-06-05 USA declares war on Bulgaria, Hungary & Romania
  • 1944-03-18 Nazi Germany occupies Hungary
  • 1944-03-31 Hungary orders all Jews to wear yellow stars

Munkacs Jews to Auschwitz

1944-05-15 14,000 Jews of Munkacs, Hungary, deported to Auschwitz

  • 1944-05-16 1st of 180,000+ Hungarian Jews reach Auschwitz
  • 1944-10-06 Soviet forces march into Hungary & Czechoslovakia
  • 1944-10-15 The Arrow Cross Party (very similar to Hitler's NSDAP (Nazi party)) takes power in Hungary
  • 1944-10-16 Hungary's government of Miklós Horthy falls; Nazi German general Döme Sztójay becomes prime minister
  • 1944-10-23 Soviet army invades Hungary
  • 1944-11-03 Pro-German government of Hungary flees
  • 1944-11-08 25,000 Hungarian Jews are loaned to Nazis for forced labor
  • 1944-12-03 Hungarian death march of Jews ends
  • 1944-12-31 World War II: Hungary declares war on Germany.
  • 1945-01-17 Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, credited with saving tens of thousands of Jews from the Nazis, arrested by Soviet secret police in Hungary
  • 1945-01-20 The Hungarian Provisional Government concludes an armistice with the USSR, US, and Britain, agree to pay reparations and to join the war against Germany
  • 1945-04-04 World War II: Soviet forces liberate Hungary from German occupation, establishing their own communist satellite state. This was celebrated as Liberation Day until 1989.
  • 1945-05-01 Radio Budapest, Hungary re-enters shortwave broadcasting after WW II
  • 1946-01-01 National Assembly proclaims Hungary a republic
  • 1946-02-01 Republic of Hungary proclaims Zoltán Tildy as its communist president
  • 1946-02-02 The Proclamation of Hungarian Republic made
  • 1946-03-05 Hungarian Communists and Social Democrats co-found the Left Bloc.
  • 1947-05-31 Communists seize power in Hungary
  • 1947-06-02 Hungarian premier Ferenc Nagy resigns
  • 1947-08-31 Hungarian communist party wins election
  • 1948-12-26 Hungarian cardinal József Mindszenty arrested
  • 1949-02-08 Hungarian cardinal József Mindszenty sentenced to life in prison
  • 1949-02-17 Ice Pairs Championship at Paris won by Andrea Kekesy and Ede Kiraly of Hungary
  • 1949-06-10 Istvan Dobi becomes Hungarian premier
  • 1949-08-18 Hungary adopts constitution
  • 1949-08-20 Hungary (Magyar People's Republic) accepts constitution
  • 1949-12-29 Hungary nationalized its industries
  • 1950-09-07 Monasteries shut down in Hungary
  • 1952-08-14 Mátyás Rákosi appointed premier of Hungary
  • 1953-07-04 Imre Nagy succeeds Matyas Rákosi as premier of Hungary
  • 1955-05-14 Warsaw Pact is signed by the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania
  • 1956-05-18 Hungarian party leader Matyas Rákosi enforces his own policy
  • 1956-07-18 Erno Gero succeeds Matyas Rákosi as party leader of Hungary
  • 1956-10-23 Thousands of Hungarians protest against the government and Soviet occupation. (The Hungarian Revolution is crushed on November 4).

Event of Interest

1956-10-24 Soviet troops invade Hungary, Imre Nagy becomes Prime Minister of Hungary

  • 1956-11-01 Nagy government of Hungary withdraws from Warsaw Pact
  • 1956-11-02 Hungary appeals for UN assistance against Soviet invasion
  • 1956-11-04 200,000 Russian troops attack anti-Soviet movement in Budapest, Hungary
  • 1956-11-08 UN demands USSR leave Hungary
  • 1956-11-14 Hungarian revolt put down by Soviet invasion
  • 1957-04-01 Trial begins in Budapest against participants of the Hungarian Uprising of October 1956
  • 1957-09-14 UN resolution deplores & condemns USSR invasion of Hungary
  • 1958-01-27 Ferenc Munnich succeeds Kadar as premier of Hungary
  • 1958-06-17 Radio Moscow reports execution of Hungarian ex-premier Imre Nagy
  • 1959-09-12 Janos Kádár becomes premier of Hungary
  • 1962-07-19 Hungarian communist party expels Rákosi & Gero
  • 1965-06-25 Gyula Kallai succeeds Janos Kádár as premier of Hungary
  • 1971-09-28 Hungarian cardinal József Mindszenty after 15 years refuge in US Embassy in Budapest is allowed to leave the country
  • 1972-04-19 Hungary revises its constitution to declare itself a socialist state
  • 1978-01-06 US hand over St Stephan crown to Hungary

Soyuz 36

1980-05-26 Soyuz 36 carries cosmonauts Valery Kubasov and 1st Hungarian in space Bertalan Farkas to Salyut 6

  • 1988-05-22 Károly Grósz succeeds party leader Janos Kádár in Hungary
  • 1989-02-25 1st independent blue-collar labor union in Communist Hungary forms
  • 1989-06-16 Funeral for Imre Nagy, leader of Hungarian uprising in 1956
  • 1989-08-19 1st crack in the Iron Curtain when Hungary opens its borders to Austria for a pan-European picnic for a few hours