Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
September 29

What Happened on September 29

Major Events

  • 522 BC Darius I of Persia kills Magian usurper Gaumâta, securing his hold as king of the Persian Empire
  • 480 BC Battle of Salamis: The Greek fleet under Themistocles defeats the Persian fleet under Xerxes I
  • 1567 War of Religion breaks out in France - Huguenots try to kidnap King Charles IX

Sep 29 in Film & TV

  • 1948 "Hamlet" directed by and starring Laurence Olivier's opens at Park Avenue Cinema (Best Picture 1949)

Sep 29 in Music

Sep 29 in Sport

  • 1954 New York Giants Willie Mays makes famous over-the-shoulder catch of Cleveland Indians Vic Wertz' 460' drive during Game One of the World Series, at the Polo Grounds in NYC

Did You Know?

American oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller becomes the world's first billionaire

September 29, 1916

Fun Fact About September 29

Robert McNamara, former US Secretary of Defense, is almost thrown overboard on a ferry by an artist wanting to confront him on his role in escalating US involvement in the Vietnam war (no charges pressed)

September 29, 1972

Famous Weddings

  • 1818 Inventor Samuel Morse (27) weds Lucretia Walker in Concord, New Hampshire
  • 1844 New York Politician Boss Tweed (21) weds Mary Jane C. Skaden
  • 1910 Greek physician and zoologist Georgios Papanicolaou (27) weds his future laboratory assistant and pap smear research subject Andromachi Mavrogeni in Athens

Famous Divorces

  • 2011 "House M.D." actress Olivia Wilde (26) divorces Italian prince Tao Ruspoli (35) due to irreconcilable differences after 8 years of marriage

More September 29 Weddings