Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1804

  • Jan 1 Haiti gains independence from France (National Day), making it the only state ever founded by former slaves and without slavery
  • Jan 5 Ohio legislature passes 1st laws restricting free blacks movement
  • Jan 30 Scottish explorer Mungo Park leaves England seeking source of Niger River

Bligh Reaches Curacao

Jan 31 British vice-admiral William Blighs fleet reaches Curacao

  • Feb 14 Jean Victor Marie Moreau, French general who plotted to overthrow Napoleon in the Pichegru Conspiracy, arrested, and exiled to the United States
  • Feb 14 Karadjordje leads the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire
  • Feb 15 New Jersey becomes last northern state to abolish slavery
  • Feb 16 US Navy Lt Stephen Decatur raids Tripoli Harbor & burns Navy frigate "Philadelphia" after it is seized by pirates
  • Feb 18 1st US land-grant college, Ohio University, Athens Ohio, chartered
  • Feb 18 Ohio legislature approves establishment of Ohio University at Athens as the 1st university in Ohio; first classes are held in 1809
  • Feb 21 The world’s first steam locomotive, built by Richard Trevithick, runs for the first time along the tramway of the Penydarren Ironworks in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales
  • Feb 24 London's Drury Lane Theatre burns to the ground, leaving owner Richard Brinsley Sheridan destitute

Presidential Convention

Feb 25 Thomas Jefferson nominated for US President at Democratic-Republican caucus

  • Feb 26 Vice-admiral William Bligh (of Bounty fame) ends siege of Fort Amsterdam, Willemstad
  • Feb 28 Charles Pichegru, French army general and royalist who plotted to overthrow Napoleon in the Pichegru Conspiracy, arrested
  • Mar 4 The Battle of Vinegar Hill, colony of New South Wales (Australia), when Irish convicts (some of whom had been involved in Ireland's Battle of Vinegar Hill in 1798) led the colony's only significant convict uprising.
  • Mar 9 Georges Cadoudal, Breton royalist who plotted to overthrow Napoleon in the Pichegru Conspiracy, arrested
  • Mar 17 Friedrich Schiller's play "Wilhelm Tell" premieres
  • Mar 21 Napoleonic Code adopted in France, stresses clearly written and accessible law
  • Mar 26 Congress orders removal of Indians east of Mississippi to Louisiana
  • Mar 26 Territory of Orleans organizes in Louisiana Purchase
  • Mar 28 Ohio passes law restricting movement of Blacks
  • Mar 29 Thousands of Whites massacred in Haiti
  • Apr 2 Forty merchantmen are wrecked when a convoy led by HMS Apollo runs aground off Portugal.
  • Apr 5 High Possil Meteorite: The first recorded meteorite in Scotland falls in Possil

Rossini's Early Performance

Apr 22 Gioachino Rossini performs as a singer in Imola, Italy, aged only 12 years old

  • Apr 28 31 British ships sail up Suriname river demanding transition colony from the Dutch
  • Apr 30 The New Hague Theater opens in The Hague, Netherlands
  • May 6 Suriname sold to Great Britain (until Feb 1816)

Napoléon Proclaimed Emperor

May 18 Napoléon Bonaparte is proclaimed Emperor of France by the French Senate

  • Jun 15 Twelfth Amendment to the US Constitution, establishing the procedure for electing the President and Vice President, ratified in Congress

Burr-Hamilton Duel

Jul 11 Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr mortally wounds former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a pistol duel

  • Jul 12 Former United States Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton dies after being shot in a pistol duel the previous day by Vice President Aaron Burr

Humboldt Returns to France

Aug 3 Naturalist Alexander von Humboldt lands at Bordeaux, France completing his 5 year expedition to Latin America

  • Aug 11 Francis II assumes the title of first Emperor of Austria
  • Aug 25 Alicia Thornton becomes first female jockey in England riding at Knavesmire in Yorkshire
  • Sep 1 Juno, one of the largest main belt asteroids discovered by German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding.
  • Sep 25 Twelfth Amendment to the US Constitution, establishing the procedure for electing the President and Vice President, becomes effective
  • Oct 2 Britain mobilizes to protect against French invasion
  • Oct 9 Hobart in Tasmania founded
  • Nov 18 Palver Purim 1st celebrated to commemorate miraculous escape
  • Nov 30 Impeachment trial of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase begins

Napoleon Bonaparte

Dec 2 General Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Emperor of the French at the Notre Dame de Paris in a ceremony officiated by Pope Pius VII

  • Dec 5 Thomas Jefferson re-elected US President, and George Clinton elected Vice-President
  • Dec 7 Naturalist Alexander von Humboldt reports his discovery of the decrease in intensity of Earth's magnetic field from the poles to the equator in a memoir to the Paris Institute