Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in September 1943

Chairman Chiang Kai-Shek

Sep 1 Chiang Kai-shek again becomes Chairman of the Nationalist Government of China

  • Sep 3 British 8th Army lands in Southern Italy (Messina)
  • Sep 3 General Castellano signs cease fire treaty in Sicily
  • Sep 4 British 8th Army lands at Taranto, South Italy
  • Sep 5 US airland at Nadzab, New Guinea
  • Sep 6 "Congressional Limited" train derails near Frankfort, Philadelphia, kills 79
  • Sep 6 Carl Scheib becomes youngest pitcher in American League history at 16years, 8 months

US Men's Tennis Open

Sep 6 US National Championship Men's Tennis, Forest Hills, NY: Joe Hunt beats fellow American Jack Kramer 6-3, 6-8, 10-8, 6-0 for his lone major title

US Open Women's Tennis

Sep 6 US National Championship Women's Tennis, Forest Hills, NY: American Pauline Betz successfully defends title; beats Louise Brough Clapp 6-3, 5-7, 6-3

Dutch Jews to Auschwitz

Sep 7 987 Dutch Jewish transported to Auschwitz Concentration Camp

  • Sep 7 Fire in decrepit old Gulf Hotel kills 45 (Houston, Texas)

Bradley to Algiers

Sep 8 Lieutenant-General Omar Bradley flies to Carthago/Algiers from Sicily

  • Sep 8 NY Giants' pitcher Ace Adams sets record by working in his 62nd game

Italian Surrender

Sep 8 US General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Italian Marshal and head of government Pietro Badoglio give separate radio speeches announcing Italy's surrender to the allies on Sep 3 in the Armistice of Cassibile

  • Sep 9 15 German JU-88's sink Italian flag ship Rome
  • Sep 9 Lieutenant-General Omar Bradley flies from Algiers to Marrakech/Prestwick
  • Sep 9 US, British & French troops land in Salerno (operation Avalanche)
  • Sep 10 British 8th army occupies Tarento, Italy
  • Sep 10 German troops occupy Rome and take took over the protection of Vatican City
  • Sep 10 Italian fleet anchors at Malta
  • Sep 10 Lieutenant-General Omar Bradley arrives in Prestwick/London
  • Sep 11 Allied armed forces conquer Salerno, Italy
  • Sep 11 Jewish ghettos of Minsk & Lida Belorussia liquidated
  • Sep 11 Last German Q/pirate ship sinks near Easter Island / Rapa Nui
  • Sep 11 US & Australian troops join in Salamaua, New Guinea
  • Sep 12 Free French lands on Corsica

Nazis Free Mussolini

Sep 12 Waffen-SS (Skorzeny) frees Benito Mussolini at Gran Sasso

  • Sep 13 German counterattack at Salerno
  • Sep 13 The Municipal Theatre of Corfu is destroyed during an aerial bombardment by Luftwaffe
  • Sep 14 Yanks clinch pennant #14
  • Sep 15 Benito Mussolini forms a rival anti-monarchist fascist government in Italy and soon returns to power as a German puppet state
  • Sep 15 Concentration Camp Kauwen in Lithuania opens
  • Sep 15 Concentration Camp Vaivara in Estonia opens
  • Sep 16 Montgomery's 8th army contacts invasion - arm forces at Salerno
  • Sep 16 Soviet army under general Vatutin reconquers Romny, Northern Ukraine
  • Sep 17 Load of "ammunition in transit" explodes at Norfolk Naval Air Station
  • Sep 17 World War II: Soviet city of Bryansk is liberated from Nazi control

Attempt to Deport Danish Jews

Sep 18 Adolf Hitler orders deportation of Danish Jews (unsuccessful)

  • Sep 18 Cardinals clinch NL pennant
  • Sep 19 Fanny Whiteers-Koen breaks jumping world record
  • Sep 19 Liberator bombers sinks U-341
  • Sep 20 Liberator bomber sinks U-338
  • Sep 21 Arundel (Solomon Island) in US hands
  • Sep 21 Lynch Triangle (Square) in Bronx named
  • Sep 21 Soviet 13th/61st Army reconquer Chyernigov
  • Sep 21 Soviet forces reach Dnjepr
  • Sep 22 British dwarf submarines attack German battleship Tirpitz
  • Sep 22 Destroyer HMS Itchen torpedoed and sinks
  • Sep 22 Destroyer HMS Keppel sinks U-229
  • Sep 24 Soviet forces reconquer Smolensk
  • Sep 25 Soviet troops liberate Smolensk
  • Sep 27 Anti-fascism opposition begins in Naples
  • Sep 27 Dutch opposition newspaper "The Slogan" publishes KZ-Lower letter
  • Sep 29 1st Silbertanne-murder by German occupiers in Meppel
  • Sep 29 Zjadovs 5th Gardeleger/Managarovs 53rd Army reconquer Kremenchuk (Ukraine)

Divine Spirit

Sep 30 Pope Pius XII encyclical on Divine spirit