Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Theodore Roosevelt

26th US President Theodore Roosevelt

Profession: 26th US President

United States of America

Political Party: Republican Republican Party
Political Titles: Vice President, Governor of New York

Presidential Term: September 14, 1901 - March 4, 1909
Preceded By: William McKinley
Succeeded By: William Howard Taft

Biography: Consistently ranked as one of the best American presidents, Roosevelt served in office from 1901 to 1909, having assumed the presidency after the assassination of William McKinley. To date he is the only President of the United States to be awarded America's highest military award (the Medal of Honor) and the only person in history to receive both his nation's award military courage and the world's foremost prize for peace.

Roosevelt was previously the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, but resigned to lead the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War. After this he served as Governor of New York from 1899 to 1900. He accepted a proposal to become McKinley's running mate, and the ticket won the 1900 election in a landslide.

A lifelong naturalist, Roosevelt made conservation a top priority for his administration, and established many new national parks, monuments and forests. He championed the Square Deal set of domestic policies which promised citizens fairness, breaking of trusts, regulation of railroads, and pure food and drugs.

In foreign policy he started construction on the Panama Canal and generally focused on Central America. In 1906 he won the Nobel Peace Prize for successfully brokering an end to the Russo-Japanese War. He was re-elected in 1904 to a full term and continued to champion progressive causes. In 1908 his hand-picked successor William Howard Taft was elected president, though the two fell out during Taft's time in office.

Roosevelt is one of four presidents - along with Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson - to be carved into Mount Rushmore. He is also known for refusing to shoot a bear, inspiring the creation of 'teddy bear' children's toys. Roosevelt's popular image of masculinity and vast range of interests made him an enduring presidential personality.

Born: October 27, 1858
Birthplace: NYC, New York, USA
Star Sign: Scorpio

Died: January 6, 1919 (aged 60)
Cause of Death: Coronary thrombosis

Articles and Photos

Married Life

  • 1880-10-27 Theodore Roosevelt, later 26th US President marries Alice Hathaway Lee, on his 22nd birthday
  • 1886-12-02 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt (28) weds second wife Edith Kermit Carow (25) in London

Historical Events

  • 1898-07-01 Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders charge up San Juan Hill during US's successful assault on the city of Santiago
  • 1900-06-19 Republican Party nominates President William McKinley for re-election, but chooses a new candidate for Vice-President, Theodore Roosevelt
  • 1900-11-06 Republican US President William McKinley and his Vice President, Theodore Roosevelt, defeat Democrat William Jennings Bryan
  • 1901-03-04 William McKinley inaugurated for his 2nd term as US president; Theodore Roosevelt serves as Vice President; his inaugural address is the first to be published in advance
  • 1901-09-02 Theodore Roosevelt advises "Speak softly and carry a big stick" in an address to the Minnesota State Fair, entitled "National Duties"
  • 1901-09-14 Theodore Roosevelt is sworn in as the youngest man to serve as US President, after William McKinley finally dies after an anarchist shoots him in Buffalo
  • 1901-10-12 Theodore Roosevelt renames the "Executive Mansion" as "The White House"
  • 1902-05-22 US President Theodore Roosevelt signs a treaty with Mexico under which both countries agree to submit a long-standing dispute over interest payments to the Court of Arbitration at The Hague
  • 1902-07-04 Civil government is established in the Philippines by a proclamation from US President Theodore Roosevelt, who offers a general amnesty to insurgents
  • 1902-08-22 US President Theodore Roosevelt became 1st US chief executive to ride in a car
  • 1902-10-13 US President Theodore Roosevelt threatens to start using army troops to work coal mines struck since 12 may; this brings the owners to agree to abide by a Commission of Arbitration
  • 1902-12-13 British and German ships bombard Venezuelan forts after President Castro refuses to comply with ultimatum demanding damages caused during his takeover of the government in 1899; Castro asks US President Theodore Roosevelt to arbitrate
  • 1903-01-01 President Theodore Roosevelt and Edith Roosevelt unveil new renovations to The White House, including a new West Wing
  • 1903-01-02 US President Theodore Roosevelt shuts down post office in Indianola, Mississippi, for refusing to accept its appointed postmistress because she was black
  • 1903-02-11 US Congress adopts the Expedition Act, which authorizes the Attorney General to 'expedite' anti-trust cases through the courts, reflecting growing popular support for President Theodore Roosevelt's "trust busting" campaign
  • 1903-02-14 President Theodore Roosevelt signs bill into law establishing US Department of Commerce & Labor
  • 1903-03-22 US Anthracite Coal Commission, set up by President Theodore Roosevelt, submits its recommendations for shorter hours, a 10-per cent wage increase, and an 'open shop'
  • 1903-05-14 President Theodore Roosevelt visits San Francisco
  • 1903-07-04 Pacific Cable (San Francisco, Hawaii, Guam, Philippines) opens, President Theodore Roosevelt sends a message
  • 1904-02-29 Theodore Roosevelt, appoints 7-man Panama Canal Commission to proceed with completing a canal at the Isthmus
  • 1904-06-21 The US Republican Party nominates Theodore Roosevelt for President, but not without opposition from those whom he calls 'malefactors of great wealth'
  • 1904-07-06 The US Democratic Party nominates little known New York judge Alton B. Parker for presidential nominee - virtually assuring the election of Theodore Roosevelt
  • 1904-11-08 American President Theodore Roosevelt (R) defeats Alton B. Parker (D)
  • 1904-12-06 Theodore Roosevelt confirms Monroe Doctrine (Roosevelt Corollary)
  • 1905-01-20 US begins supervising the Dominican Republic's national and international debts, testing President Theodore Roosevelt's "Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine
  • 1905-06-08 US President Theodore Roosevelt sends identical notes to Japan and Russia urging them to negotiate and end hostilities, offering his personal services
  • 1905-07-07 Elihu Root joins the cabinet of President Theodore Roosevelt, serving as United States Secretary of State
  • 1905-08-05 First meeting of the Russian and Japanese peace commissioners takes place in US President Theodore Roosevelt's home at Oyster Bay, New York
  • 1905-09-05 Treaty of Portsmouth is signed concluding the Russo-Japanese War; US President Theodore Roosevelt receives the Nobel Peace Prize for his role as mediator
  • 1906-04-14 US President Theodore Roosevelt denounces "muckrakers" in US press, taken from John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
  • 1906-08-13 Black soldiers accused of raiding Brownsville in Texas; despite support from local commanding officers, President Theodore Roosevelt orders dishonorable discharge for 167 soldiers; all cleared of wrongdoing 1972, 165 posthumously
  • 1906-11-09 Theodore Roosevelt is 1st US President to visit another country (Puerto Rico and Panama)
  • 1906-11-14 US President Theodore Roosevelt visits Panama
  • 1906-12-10 US President Theodore Roosevelt is the 1st American awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1906-12-11 US President Theodore Roosevelt attacks abuses in the Congo
  • 1907-01-01 US President Theodore Roosevelt shakes a record 8,513 hands in 1 day
  • 1907-10-01 A downturn in the stock market leads to a run on the dollar; US President Theodore Roosevelt later calls on financier J. P. Morgan to help manage the financial crisis
  • 1907-12-16 As a gesture of the US's new presence as a world power, President Theodore Roosevelt sends the 'Great White Fleet' on a round-the-world cruise, visiting ports internationally
  • 1908-06-16 The Republican Party convenes in Chicago where President Theodore Roosevelt picks William Howard Taft as his successor
  • 1910-04-29 Ex-US President Theodore Roosevelt visits Amsterdam
  • 1910-08-31 Theodore Roosevelt makes a speech in Kansas advocating a 'square deal': property shall be 'the servant and not the master of the commonwealth'
  • 1912-06-18 The Chicago national Republican Convention splits between President Taft and Theodore Roosevelt; after Taft is nominated, Roosevelt and progressive elements of the Party form the Progressive Party (also known as the 'Bull Moose Party')
  • 1912-08-07 Progressive (Bull Moose) Party nominates Theodore Roosevelt for US President
  • 1915-10-12 Theodore Roosevelt criticizes US citizens who identify themselves with dual nationalities
  • 1916-06-07 Theodore Roosevelt declines nomination of the Progressive Party and throws his support behind Republican Charles Evans Hughes

Biographies and Sources