Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
January 23

What Happened on January 23

Major Events

  • 971 War elephant corps of the Southern Han defeated at Shao by crossbow fire from Song Dynasty troops forcing the Southern Han state to submit to the Song Dynasty. First regular war elephant corps in the Chinese army.
  • 1368 In a coronation ceremony, Zhu Yuanzhang, aged 40, ascends to the throne of China as the Hongwu Emperor, initiating Ming Dynasty rule over China that would last for three centuries
  • 1556 Shaanxi Earthquake, the deadliest ever recorded, kills 830,000 in Shaanxi Province, China

Jan 23 in Film & TV

  • 1977 Mini-series "Roots" premieres on ABC

Jan 23 in Music

Jan 23 in Sport

  • 2018 LeBron James becomes the 7th and youngest (33 years 24 days) to reach the 30,000 NBA point milestone during 114-102 loss to San Antonio Spurs

Did You Know?

Agoston Haraszthy, 1st vintner in Sonoma Valley, California imports 10,000 grape vine cuttings

January 23, 1862

Fun Fact About January 23

Elva Zona Heaster is found dead in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Resulting murder trial of her husband perhaps only case in US history where the alleged testimony of a ghost helped secure a conviction.

January 23, 1897

Famous Weddings

More January 23 Weddings