Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
January 7

What Happened on January 7

Major Events

  • 1610 Galileo Galilei discovers the first three moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa and Ganymede
  • 1714 Typewriter patented by Englishman Henry Mill (built years later)
  • 1941 New Fourth Army Incident: Chinese Kuomintang forces under orders from Chiang Kai-Shek fire on surrounded Communist New Fourth Army at Maolin, Anhui Province, killing or capturing 7,000 troops

Jan 7 in Film & TV

  • 1894 William K.L. Dickson captures "Fred Ott's Sneeze" as a motion picture at Thomas Edison's Black Mariah Studio, West Orange, New Jersey [1]

Jan 7 in Music

Jan 7 in Sport

  • 1972 Los Angeles Lakers defeat the Atlanta Hawks, 134-90 for their 33rd straight win, the longest winning streak in major professional sports

Did You Know?

Marguerite Perey discovers francium (Fr), the last naturally occurring element to be found

January 7, 1930

Fun Fact About January 7

It snows in the Sahara desert - 15 inches reported in Aïn Séfra, Northwest Algeria

January 7, 2018

Famous Weddings

  • 1430 Duke Philip the Good (33) formally celebrate marriage Isabella of Portugal (32) in Sluys, Burgundy
  • 1630 Italian composer Pier Cavalli marries rich widow Maria Sosomeno
  • 1879 Dutch King William II marries Emma von Waldeck-Pyrmont

More January 7 Weddings