Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1753

  • Jan 11 Ferdinand VI of Spain & Pope Benedictus XIV sign concord, Spain recovers the right to appoint bishops and tax the clergy

Voltaire leaves Prussia

Mar 25 Voltaire leaves the court of Frederik II of Prussia

Species Plantarum

May 1 Publication of "Species Plantarum" by Carl Linnaeus - the formal start date of plant taxonomy adopted by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

  • May 6 French King Louis XV observes transit of Mercury at Mendon Castle
  • May 9 King Louis XV disbands French parliament

The Limping Devil

May 29 Joseph Haydn's first opera "Krumme Teufel" (The Limping Devil) premieres in Vienna

British Museum Founded

Jun 7 British Museum founded by an Act of Parliament with royal assent from King George II (opens in 1759)

  • Jun 13 Austria, Great Britain & Modena sign secret military treaty
  • Jul 7 British parliament grants Jews citizenship
  • Jul 18 Lemuel Haynes, escapes from slave holder in Framingham, Massachusetts

Washington Becomes a Mason

Aug 4 21-year-old George Washington becomes a master mason

  • Sep 9 1st steam engine arrives in North American colonies
  • Sep 22 Pangeran Gusti installed as Sultan of Banten

Benjamin Franklin

Nov 30 Benjamin Franklin receives the Godfrey Copley medal "on account of his curious Experiments and Observations on Electricity"