Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

British History Timeline

UK Countries & Territories: Ascension Islands - Bermuda - Cayman Islands - England - Falkland Islands - Gibraltar - Guernsey - Isle of Man - Jersey - Montserrat - Northern Ireland - Scotland - Turks and Caicos Islands - Virgin Islands (British) - Wales

Today in British History

Events in British History

Events 1 - 200 of 231

Snakes Alive! It's St Patrick's Day

0432-03-17 Saint Patrick, aged about 16 is captured by Irish pirates from his home in Great Britain and taken as a slave to Ireland (traditional date)

  • 1583-08-05 Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland for the British crown, the first English colony in North America and the beginning of the British Empire
  • 1601-02-13 Fleet of five British East India Company vessels departs on their 1st voyage from London, led by Sir James John Lancaster commanding the "Red Dragon"; journey takes nearly 16 months

400 Years of Celebration After Plotters Fail to Kill a King

1605-11-05 Gunpowder Plot: Catholic conspirator Guy Fawkes attempts to blow up King James I and the British Parliament. Plot discovered, Guy Fawkes caught, tortured and later executed along with seven others. Celebrated ever since as Guy Fawkes Day, where his effigy is traditionally burned on a bonfire, accompanied by fireworks.

  • 1639-08-22 Madras (now Chennai), India, founded by the British East India Company on sliver of land bought from local Nayak rulers

Sale of Dunkirk

1662-10-17 Charles II of Great Britain sells Dunkirk to France for 2.5 million livres (320,000 English pounds)

  • 1679-07-12 Britain's King Charles II ratifies Habeas Corpus Act allowing prisoners right to be imprisoned to be examined by a court

William III Accepts Crown

1688-10-01 Prince William of Orange accepts invitation of take up the British crown

Last Catholic Monarch Flees

1688-12-23 King James II, the last Roman Catholic British monarch flees to France from William of Orange

  • 1689-01-22 Prince William of Orange (future King William III of Britain), summons Convention Parliament to discuss ruling jointly with his wife Mary (daughter of exiled King James II)
  • 1707-05-01 Acts of Union comes into force, uniting England and Scotland to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • 1708-01-08 Spanish armada headed by the San Jose and loaded with gold sunk after British squadron attacks off coast of Colombia (rediscovered 2015)

Inspiration for Robinson Crusoe

1709-02-01 British sailor Alexander Selkirk is rescued by William Dampier after being marooned alone on an island in the South Pacific for 4 years, inspiring Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe"

  • 1731-04-09 British mariner Robert Jenkins' ear is cut off by Spanish Guarde Costa in the Caribbean, catalyst for a later war between Britain and Spain

1st British Prime Minister

1735-09-22 Robert Walpole becomes the first British "Prime Minister" (actually First Lord of the Treasury) to live at 10 Downing Street

Battle of Dettingen

1743-06-27 War of the Austrian Succession: King George II of Britain personally leads Allied troops to victory in the Battle of Dettingen in Bavaria. The last time a British monarch commanded troops in the field.

Jacobite Army Invades

1745-11-11 Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite army invades England, in attempt to restore House of Stuart to the British throne

  • 1746-04-16 Jacobite Rising 1745: Battle of Culloden, the last battle on British soil: Royalist troops under the Duke of Cumberland defeat the Jacobite army of Charles Edward Stuart
  • 1756-06-20 Black Hole of Calcutta: 146 British soldiers, Anglo-Indian soldiers and Indian civilians are imprisoned in a small dungeon in Calcutta, India where most die from suffocation and heat exhaustion

British Museum Opens its Doors

1759-01-15 British Museum opens in Montague House, London

  • 1763-02-10 Treaty of Paris ends French-Indian War, France surrenders Canada to Great Britain

Proclamation of 1763

1763-10-07 George III of Great Britain issues Proclamation of 1763, closing lands in North America north and west of Alleghenies to white settlement

Stamp Act Passed

1765-03-22 Stamp Act passed; 1st direct British tax on American colonists, organized by Prime Minister George Grenville

1st Resistance to the British

1768-04-09 John Hancock refuses to allow two British customs agents to go below deck of his ship, considered by some to be the first act of physical resistance to British authority in the colonies

The Boston Massacre

1770-03-05 Boston Massacre (Incident on King Street): British soldiers kill 5 men in a crowd throwing snowballs, stones and sticks at them. African American Crispus Attucks 1st to die; later held up as early black martyr. Massacre galvanizes anti-British feelings.

Cook Sights Australia

1770-04-19 British explorer Captain James Cook first sights Australia. Writes in his log book that “what we have as yet seen of this land appears rather low, and not very hilly, the face of the Country green and Woody, but the Sea shore is all a white Sand.”

  • 1770-04-28 British Captain James Cook, aboard HMS Endeavour, first lands in Australia at Botany Bay

An Edict by the King of Prussia

1773-09-22 Benjamin Franklin publishes a hoax letter "An Edict by the King of Prussia" in the Public Advertiser, criticising Britain's colonial policies in the American colonies

Boston Tea Party

1773-12-16 Boston tea party incident - Sons of Liberty protesters throw tea shipments into Boston harbor in protest against British imposed Tea Act

  • 1774-02-22 British House of Lords rules authors do not have perpetual copyright
  • 1774-09-05 Twelve of the thirteen American colonies adopt a trade embargo against Great Britain at the first Continental Congress at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • 1775-02-09 British Parliament declares Massachusetts colony in rebellion

Battle of Quebec

1775-12-31 Battle of Quebec: American Continental Army led by Richard Montgomery is defeated trying to take the British stronghold of Quebec City in the American Revolutionary War, General Montgomery is killed and Benedict Arnold is injured

  • 1776-11-16 British troops capture Fort Washington during American Revolution

Battle of Princeton

1777-01-03 General George Washington's revolutionary army defeats British forces at Battle of Princeton, New Jersey

  • 1778-11-26 British explorer Captain James Cook is the first European to visit Maui in the Sandwich Islands (now Hawaii)

Great Siege of Gibraltar

1779-06-16 Spain declares war on Great Britain in support of France and the USA, starting the Great Siege of Gibraltar which goes on to last 3 years, 7 months and 2 weeks

John Adams Peace Negotiator

1779-09-27 John Adams appointed to negotiate Revolutionary War peace terms with Great Britain

British Burn Richmond

1781-01-05 British naval expedition led by Benedict Arnold burns Richmond, Virginia

Battle That Gave Birth To The USA

1781-09-05 American Revolutionary War: French fleet of 24 ships under Comte de Grasse defeat British forces under Admiral Thomas Graves and Samuel Hood at the Battle of the Chesapeake [Battle of the Virginia Capes] and trap General Lord Charles Cornwallis

Surrender at Yorktown

1781-10-19 British forces under General Charles Cornwallis sign terms of surrender to George Washington and Comte de Rochambeau at Yorktown at 2 pm, ending the US Revolutionary War

Grand Assault on Gibraltar

1782-09-13 The Grand Assault on Gibraltar by the allied French and Spanish fleets including ten floating batteries and land forces is heavily defeated by the British garrison with all of the floating batteries destroyed and allied casualties of 1,473 compared to only 83 for the British

  • 1783-04-18 American Revolution: George Washington issues General Orders announcing the end of hostilities with Britain, giving thanks to the Almighty, and offering congratulations and authorizing an extra ration of alcohol to the troops to celebrate [1]
  • 1783-09-03 Treaty of Paris signed in Paris ends the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and United States of America
  • 1783-11-25 Britain evacuates New York city, its last military position in the United States

William Pitt Youngest PM

1783-12-19 William Pitt the Younger becomes the youngest ever British Prime Minister at age 24

  • 1784-01-14 US Congress of the Confederation ratifies the Treaty of Paris, signed September 3, 1783, ending the Revolutionary War, and forwards it to Great Britain

Australia Day

1788-01-26 Captain Arthur Phillip and British colonists hoist the Union Flag at Sydney Cove, New South Wales, now celebrated as Australia Day. Referred to as Invasion Day by some First Nations people.

First Issue of The Observer

1791-12-04 Britain's "The Observer" is first published, the oldest Sunday newspaper in the world

Battle of Fleurus

1794-06-26 Battle of Fleurus: Major victory by forces of the First French Republic under General Jean-Baptiste Jourdan over the Coalition Army (Great Britain, Hanover, Dutch Republic, and Habsburgs). First use of a reconnaissance balloon.

  • 1795-09-16 British capture Capetown, South Africa, from the Dutch

Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1797)

1797-02-14 Battle of Cape St. Vincent: British fleet under Admiral Sir John Jervis defeats larger Spanish fleet under Admiral Don José de Córdoba y Ramos near Cape St. Vincent, Portugal. Captain Horatio Nelson distinguishes himself.

Last Invasion of Britain

1797-02-22 The Last Invasion of Britain, launched by the French during the Revolutionary Wars, begins near Fishguard, Wales

  • 1797-10-11 Battle of Camperdown (Kamperduin): British navy defeats Dutch fleet

Battle of Copenhagen

1801-04-02 Napoleonic Wars: The British led by Horatio Nelson destroy the Danish fleet in the naval Battle of Copenhagen

Battle of Trafalgar

1805-10-21 Battle of Trafalgar: British Admiral Horatio Nelson defeats combined French and Spanish fleet. Nelson shot and killed during battle.

Britain Abolishes the Slave Trade

1807-03-25 British Parliament abolishes the slave trade throughout the British Empire; penalty of £120 per slave introduced for ship captains

Invasion of Java

1811-09-18 British East India Company force led by Baron Minto conquers Java, part of the Dutch East Indies, Stamford Raffles appointed lieutenant governor

Wellington Storms Ciudad Rodrigo

1812-01-19 Peninsular War: After a ten day siege, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, orders British soldiers of the Light and third divisions to storm Ciudad Rodrigo

British PM Assassinated

1812-05-11 British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval is assassinated by John Bellingham in the lobby of the House of Commons, London. Ironically, descendants of both later stand for the same seat in Parliament at the same time but neither win.

  • 1812-06-18 War of 1812 begins as the US declares war against Britain

"Pride and Prejudice"

1813-01-28 Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is published by Thomas Egerton in the United Kingdom

  • 1813-09-10 American Naval Commander Oliver Hazard Perry defeats the British in Battle of Lake Erie

Battle of the Thames

1813-10-05 Battle of the Thames; American forces under General William Henry Harrison defeat Tecumseh's Confederacy and their British allies led by Henry Procter near Chatham, Upper Canada

  • 1814-08-24 British forces capture Washington, D.C. and destroy many landmarks (War of 1812)

Treaty of Ghent Signed

1814-12-24 Treaty of Ghent signed, ending the War of 1812 between the United States, the United Kingdom and their allies

Battle of Waterloo

1815-06-18 Battle of Waterloo; Napoleon Bonaparte and France defeated by British forces under Duke of Wellington and Prussian troops under Field Marshall von Blücher

‘Bobbies’ Take To The Streets Of London

1829-09-29 The first units of the London Metropolitan Police appear on the streets of the British capital, the city's 1st modern police force

  • 1829-12-04 Britain outlaws "suttee" in India, a Hindu practice where a widow burns herself to death on her husband's funeral pyre

Reform Act Passed

1832-03-22 British Parliament, led by Charles Grey, passes the Reform Act, introducing wide-ranging changes to electoral system of England and Wales, increasing electorate from about 500,000 voters to 813,000

  • 1834-08-01 Slavery Abolition Act 1833 comes into effect, abolishes slavery throughout the British Empire
  • 1839-01-10 First tea from leaves of indigenous plants of Assam, India, arrives in the United Kingdom [date approximate] [1]

Treaty of Waitangi

1840-02-06 The Treaty of Waitangi is signed between 40 Māori Chiefs (later signed by 500) and representatives of the British crown in Waitangi, New Zealand. The treaty was designed to share sovereignty between the two groups.

Penny Black

1840-05-01 "Penny Black", the world's first adhesive postage stamp issued by Great Britain

  • 1840-07-23 Union Act passed by British Parliament, uniting Upper & Lower Canada
  • 1841-01-20 China cedes Hong Kong to the British during the First Opium War
  • 1842-01-13 Dr. William Brydon, a surgeon in the British Army during the First Anglo-Afghan War, becomes famous for (reputedly) being the sole survivor of an army of 16,500 when he reaches the safety of a garrison in Jalalabad.
  • 1842-08-29 Great Britain and China sign Treaty of Nanking, ending the Opium war

SS Great Britain

1843-07-19 The steamship SS Great Britain is launched, designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, is the first ocean-going craft with an iron hull or screw propeller and the largest vessel afloat in the world

  • 1848-07-29 Irish Potato Famine: Tipperary Revolt - an unsuccessful nationalist revolt against British rule put down by police
  • 1851-08-22 100 Guineas Cup is raced around Isle of Wight; US schooner 'America' beats British cutter 'Aurora' by 24 minutes; first competition for the America's Cup yachting trophy

Roget's Thesaurus

1852-04-29 1st edition of Peter Roget's Thesaurus published in Great Britain

  • 1854-03-28 Great Britain and France declare war on Russia, expanding the Crimean War

Battle of the Alma

1854-09-20 Battle of the Alma: British, French and Ottoman alliance defeat the Russian Empire in the 1st major battle of the Crimean War

  • 1854-10-17 French and British forces bombard Sevastopol for the first time during the Crimean War
  • 1854-10-23 English newspaper "The Times" gives precise British positions in Crimea during Crimean War
  • 1856-01-29 Victoria Cross established to acknowledge valour in the face of the enemy (United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries)

The 1856 Treaty of Paris

1856-03-30 The Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, France and the Kingdom of Sardinia sign the Treaty of Paris ending the Crimean War

  • 1857-03-03 Second Opium War: France and the United Kingdom declare war on China

The Indian Mutiny

1857-05-10 Indian Mutiny against rule by the British East India Company begins with the revolt of the Sepoy soldiers in Meerut

  • 1858-08-02 Government of India transferred from East India Company to the British Crown

1st British Golf Open

1860-10-17 1st British Open Men's Golf, Prestwick GC: Willie Park Sr. wins inaugural event by 2 strokes from fellow Scot Tom Morris Sr

  • 1860-12-29 The first British seagoing iron-clad warship, HMS Warrior is launched
  • 1863-07-12 In New Zealand, British forces invade the Waikato, home of the Māori King Movement, beginning a new phase of the New Zealand Wars between the colonial government and allied Māori tribes on one side and Māori on the other

Battle of Gate Pā

1864-04-29 Battle of Gate Pā (Pukehinahina): 1,700 British troops suffer their worst defeat of the New Zealand Wars at the hands of 230 entrenched Māori warriors in Tauranga

  • 1867-03-08 British North America Act is passed in the House of Commons, serves as Canada's constitution for more than 100 years

Ethiopian Emperor Commits Suicide

1868-04-13 Abyssinian War ends as British and Indian troops capture Magdala and Ethiopian Emperor Tewodros II commits suicide

  • 1869-10-05 A strong hurricane known as the Saxby Gale devastates the Bay of Fundy region in Maritime Canada. Incredibly British naval officer Stephen Martin Saxby predicted the storm 10 months earlier in December 1868 via astronomy.
  • 1873-02-20 British Naval Officer John Moresby is the first European to discover Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, claims it for the United Kingdom
  • 1873-06-05 Sultan Bargash bin Said under British pressure closes the infamous slave market of Zanzibar in modern day Tanzania
  • 1875-04-17 Modern Snooker invented by Sir Neville Chamberlain, a bored British officer in Jabalpur, India
  • 1877-07-11 Kate Edger becomes New Zealand’s first woman graduate and first woman in the British Empire to earn a Bachelor of Arts
  • 1878-09-25 British physician Dr. Charles Drysdale warns against the use of tobacco in a letter to The Times newspaper in one of the earliest public health announcements on the dangers of smoking

Anglo-Zulu War

1879-01-11 Anglo-Zulu War begins as British Lieutenant-General Lord Chelmsford invades Zululand in South Africa

The British: 139. Zulu Warriors: 4,000. Let Battle Begin

1879-01-22 Battle of Rorke's Drift: British garrison of 150 holds off 3,000-4,000 Zulu warriors. Eleven Victoria Crosses and a number of other decorations were awarded to the defenders.

  • 1885-02-26 Berlin Conference gives Congo to Belgium and Nigeria to Great Britain

Irish Home Rule Bill

1886-04-08 William Ewart Gladstone introduces the first Irish Home Rule Bill into the British House of Commons.

Marconi's Wireless Patent

1896-06-02 Italian engineer and inventor Guglielmo Marconi applies for the first ever patent for a system of wireless telegraphy in the United Kingdom

  • 1896-08-27 Britain defeats Zanzibar in a 38-minute war (9:02 AM-9:40 AM). Shortest recorded war in history.

The Benin Pendant Mask

1897-02-09 Invasion of Benin City by British Expedition force, the city is burnt and looted, marks the end of the Nigerian Kingdom of Benin formed in the 11th century

Fitzsimmons vs Corbett

1897-03-17 British boxer Bob Fitzsimmons KOs American champion 'Gentleman' Jim Corbett in the 14th round to win World Heavyweight title in Carson City, Nevada

  • 1899-10-30 Battle of Ladysmith, Natal: Boers defeat the British, leading to the Siege of Ladysmith
  • 1900-08-08 1st International Lawn Tennis Challenge (precursor to Davis Cup) begins at Longwood Cricket Club in Massachusetts, won 3-0 by US over British Isles
  • 1900-08-09 1st International Lawn Tennis Challenge, Boston, MA: Dwight Davis & Holcombe Ward beat Ernest Black & Herbert Roper Barrett 6-4, 6-4, 6-4 to give US an unassailable 3-0 lead over British Isles
  • 1900-09-03 With a proclamation by General Lord Roberts, Britain annexes the Boer Republic of South Africa
  • 1900-10-04 In a final confrontation, around 4,000 Ashantis are defeated by the British in the Gold Coast (Ghana)
  • 1900-10-16 Great Britain and Germany sign the Anglo-German Treaty, agreeing to maintain territorial integrity of China and support 'open door' policy called for by US Secretary of State
  • 1901-09-26 Great Britain annexes the Ashanti Kingdom and places it under the governor of the Gold Coast (Ghana)
  • 1902-01-30 Britain and Japan sign a treaty after months of negotiating which commits each country to supporting an independent China and Korea, although it acknowledges Japan's 'special interest' in Korea
  • 1902-05-31 Boer War Ends; Treaty of Unity signed, Britain annexes Transvaal
  • 1903-03-13 Fall of the Sokoto Caliphate in Northern Nigeria, the British claim supremacy on over 500,000 square miles
  • 1906-02-10 British battleship HMS Dreadnought launches after only 100 days, renders all other capital ships obsolete with its revolutionary design
  • 1906-03-24 "Census of the British Empire" shows Great Britain rules 1/5th of the world
  • 1908-05-26 At Masjed Soleyman (مسجد سليمان) in southwest Persia, the first major commercial oil strike in the Middle East is made, rights acquired by the United Kingdom

Grand Funeral for Edward VII

1910-05-20 Funeral for Britain's King Edward VII held in Westminster Abbey, has one of the largest assemblages of European royalty

Amundsen Reaches South Pole

1912-03-07 Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen announces his team was the first to reach the South Pole (located 14 December 1911), 34 days before British explorer Robert Falcon Scott

Scott's Body and Diary Found

1912-11-12 British explorer Robert Falcon Scott's diary & body found in Antarctica

  • 1913-01-16 British House of Commons accepts Home Rule for Ireland (but the Great War gets in the way of it happening)
  • 1913-07-12 150,000 Ulstermen gather and resolve to resist Irish Home Rule by force of arms; since the British Liberals have promised the Irish nationalists Home Rule, civil war appears imminent
  • 1914-05-25 British House of Commons passes the Irish Home Rule Bill
  • 1914-09-09 First fully mechanized unit in the British Army created - the Canadian Automobile Machine Gun Brigade (WWI)
  • 1915-10-08 Battle of Loos on WWI Western Front ends, German forces contain British attack (85,000 casualties)

Easter Proclamation of 1916

1916-04-24 Easter Rising of Irish republicans against British occupation begins in Dublin

Five Miles of Mud Costs a Million Casualties

1916-07-01 First day of the Battle of the Somme in World War I: The British Army suffers its worst day, losing 19,240 men

  • 1917-06-19 The British Royal Family, which has had strong German ties since George I, renounces its German names and titles and adopts the name of Windsor

HMS Vanguard Disaster

1917-07-09 British battleship HMS Vanguard explodes at Scapa Flow due to an internal explosion caused by faulty cordite, killing 804 crew members

Balfour Declaration

1917-10-30 British government gives final approval to Balfour Declaration

  • 1917-11-20 1st successful tank use in battle, at the Battle of Cambrai in World War I as Britain uses the new technology to break through German lines

Capture of Damascus

1918-10-01 World War I: Combined Arab and British force under the Lawrence of Arabia, T. E. Lawrence captures Damascus from the Turks

1st Woman MP

1919-11-28 American-born Lady Nancy Astor elected as the 1st female member of the British House of Commons (to take her seat)

  • 1920-03-10 Home Rule Act passed by the British Parliament, dividing Ireland into two parts; it is rejected by the southern counties, where the Ango-Irish war continues for a year
  • 1920-03-31 British parliament accepts Irish Home Rule law
  • 1920-04-25 San Remo conference establishes three League of Nations mandates: a French mandate for Syria, and British mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine with effect to the terms of the Balfour Declaration
  • 1922-02-21 Britain declares Egypt a sovereign state
  • 1922-10-18 British Broadcasting Company (BBC) founded, later called British Broadcasting Corporation

End of the Ottoman Empire

1922-11-17 The last sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmed VI, is expelled to Malta on a British warship

  • 1922-12-24 BBC broadcasts first British radio play "The Truth about Father Christmas"

Volunteers Help Defeat General Strike

1926-05-03 Britain's Trade Union Congress calls for the country's first ever general strike, begins at 1 minute to midnight in support of striking coal miners and lasts 9 days

Treaty of Jeddah

1927-05-20 Treaty of Jeddah is signed between the United Kingdom and Ibn Saud recognizing the independence of the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd, the forerunner of Saudi Arabia

1st Ryder Cup

1927-06-04 1st Ryder Cup Golf, Worcester CC: US beats Great Britain, 9½-2½; Walter Hagen first American captain; Ted Ray first GB skipper

Salt March

1930-03-12 Mahatma Gandhi begins his famous 200 mile (300km) protest march against the widely hated British salt tax

  • 1932-12-19 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) begins transmitting overseas
  • 1939-09-03 World War II: Britain declares war on Germany after invasion of Poland. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa & Canada

Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister

1940-05-10 Winston Churchill succeeds Neville Chamberlain as British Prime Minister at the head of a coalition government

  • 1940-05-13 Winston Churchill says "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" in his first speech as Prime Minister to British House of Commons

Miracle of Dunkirk

1940-05-27 British and Allied forces begin the evacuation of Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo) during World War II

  • 1940-06-04 British complete the "Miracle of Dunkirk" by evacuating 338,226 allied troops from France via a flotilla of over 800 vessels including Royal Navy destroyers, merchant marine boats, fishing boats, pleasure craft and even lifeboats
  • 1940-08-18 Battle of Britain: The air battle known as "The Hardest Day" occurs; Luftwaffe lose approximately 69 aircraft and the RAF lose 68 in one of the largest ever air battles
  • 1940-08-20 British PM Churchill says of Royal Air Force, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
  • 1940-09-07 Beginning of the Blitz as the German Luftwaffe bomb London for the 1st of 57 consecutive nights losing 41 bombers as the Nazis prepare to invade Britain
  • 1940-09-15 Battle of Britain Day: climax of the Battle of Britain, tide begins to turn as the Royal Air Force repulses a major Luftwaffe attack, losing 29 aircraft to the Germans' 57-61

Operation Sealion Postponed

1940-09-17 Adolf Hitler indefinitely postpones Operation Sealion, the planned German invasion of Great Britain

  • 1941-05-24 German battleship Bismarck sinks the British battle cruiser HMS Hood; 1,416 die, 3 survive
  • 1941-07-19 British PM Winston Churchill launches his "V for Victory" campaign
  • 1941-12-08 US and Britain declare war on Japan, US enters World War II
  • 1942-08-19 World War II: Over 4,000 Canadian and British soldiers killed, wounded or captured raiding Dieppe, France
  • 1942-10-23 During WWII, Britain launches major offensive at El Alamein, Egypt

Poon Lim's 133 Day South Atlantic Odyssey

1942-11-23 Chinese steward Poon Lim begins 133 days adrift after British ship SS Benlomond is torpedoed by a German U-boat, leaving him as the sole survivor

  • 1943-04-05 Chinese steward Poon Lim is found off the coast of Brazil by a Brazilian fisherman family after being adrift for 133 days, after British ship SS Benlomond was torpedoed by a German U-boat
  • 1947-08-14 Pakistan gains independence from Great Britain
  • 1948-07-15 Alcoholic Anonymous founded in Britain
  • 1956-06-13 The last British troops leave the Suez Canal Zone in Egypt
  • 1956-11-05 Britain and France land airborne forces at Port Said in Egypt, escalating the Suez Crisis

Malayan Independence

1957-08-31 Federation of Malaya gains independence from Great Britain

Move It

1958-08-29 Cliff Richard and the Drifters release single "Move It", Richards debut single. Credited as 1st British Rock n Roll song.

  • 1959-07-31 Cliff Richard and the Shadows have their 1st British No. 1 single with "Living' Doll" (biggest British single of 1959)

Morris Mini-Minor

1959-08-26 British Motor Corporation introduces the Morris Mini-Minor, designed by Alec Issigonis, it was only 10 ft long but seated 4 passengers

House of Windsor

1960-02-08 Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom issues an Order-in-Council, stating that she and her family would be known as the House of Windsor, and that her descendants will take the name "Mountbatten-Windsor"

  • 1960-12-09 1st broadcast of "Coronation Street" on British ITV
  • 1963-02-16 Beatles top British rock charts with "Please, Please Me"
  • 1963-07-22 Sarawak achieves independence from British colonial rule

Hey, Hey – We're The Monkees

1965-09-08 Small ads in Daily Variety and Hollywood Reporter attract 437 young men interested in forming the world’s first manufactured boy band, "The Monkees" - 3 are chosen with British actor-singer Davy Jones already having been cast

Radio Pulsars

1967-11-28 1st radio pulsars detected by British postgraduate Jocelyn Bell Burnell and her supervisor Antony Hewish at Cambridge University

Enoch Powel's "Rivers of Blood"

1968-04-20 British politician Enoch Powell makes his controversial "Rivers of Blood" speech

  • 1968-04-23 First decimal coins issued in Britain, the 5 and 10 new pence, replacing the shilling and two-shilling pieces

Monty Python Formed

1969-05-11 British comedy troupe Monty Python forms, made up of Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin

  • 1969-08-14 British Army deploys on the streets of Northern Ireland, marking the beginning of Operation Banner
  • 1972-01-30 Bloody Sunday: 27 unarmed civilians are shot (14 are killed) by the British Army during a civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland; this is the highest death toll from a single shooting incident during 'the Troubles'
  • 1972-03-30 Northern Ireland's Government and Parliament dissolved by the British Government and 'direct rule' from Westminster is introduced
  • 1973-03-08 The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) undertakes its first operation in Great Britain, planting four car bombs in London. Ten members of PIRA are later arrested at Heathrow Airport while trying to leave the country.

The Great Lord Lucan Mystery

1974-11-08 British peer the Earl of Lucan disappears and is never seen again after his nanny is found murdered in London