Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

American History Timeline

US States: Alabama - Alaska - American Samoa - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - District of Columbia - Florida - Georgia (US) - Guam - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Puerto Rico - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virgin Islands (US) - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming

Today in American History

Events in American History

  • 1493-05-04 Spanish Pope Alexander VI divides America between Spain and Portugal

Treaty of Tordesillas

1494-06-07 Treaty of Tordesillas: Spain and Portugal divide the new world along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa

  • 1507-04-25 German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller is the first to use the name America on his world map "Universalis Cosmographia"
  • 1619-07-30 House of Burgesses Virginia forms, 1st elective American governing body
  • 1619-08-20 Slavery begins in America: 1st known African Americans (approx. 20) land at Point Comfort (Fort Monroe), Virginia before being sold or traded into servitude
  • 1620-07-31 Pilgrim Fathers depart Leiden, Netherlands for England on their way to America
  • 1622-03-22 First American Indian (Powhatan) massacre of Europeans around Jamestown, Virginia, 347 killed
  • 1630-06-25 Fork introduced to American dining by Governor Winthrop
  • 1636-12-13 The Massachusetts Bay Colony organizes three militia regiments to defend the colony against the Pequot Indians. Recognized today as the founding of the United States National Guard.
  • 1642-03-01 Georgeana (York) in Maine becomes the 1st incorporated American city
  • 1644-01-18 Perplexed Pilgrims in Boston reported America's 1st UFO sighting
  • 1647-05-26 Alse Young becomes the first person executed as a witch in the American colonies, when she is hanged in Hartford, Connecticut
  • 1715-11-25 First English patent granted to an American, for processing corn
  • 1732-02-26 1st mass celebrated in 1st American Catholic church, St Joseph's, Philadelphia
  • 1735-02-18 1st opera performed in America, "Flora", in Charleston, South Carolina

Pennsylvania Hospital Founded

1751-05-11 Pennsylvania Hospital founded by Dr. Thomas Bond and Benjamin Franklin, in Philadelphia

Gregory Conquers Julius Caesar

1752-09-03 Britain and the British Empire (including the American colonies) adopt the Gregorian Calendar, losing 11 days. People riot thinking the government stole 11 days of their lives

  • 1752-09-14 Britain and the British Empire (including the American colonies) adopt the Gregorian Calendar after skipping the 11 days between September 3 and September 13

The Boston Massacre

1770-03-05 Boston Massacre (Incident on King Street): British soldiers kill 5 men in a crowd throwing snowballs, stones and sticks at them. African American Crispus Attucks 1st to die; later held up as early black martyr. Massacre galvanizes anti-British feelings.

  • 1774-12-14 First incident of American Revolution - 400 New Hampshire militiamen successfully attack Fort William and Mary

The Shot Heard Round the World

1775-04-19 American Revolution begins in Lexington, Massachusetts, with the "Shot Heard Round the World" fired later that day in Concord

Commander-in-Chief George Washington

1775-06-15 George Washington appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, the day after Congress establishes the force

Battle of Quebec

1775-12-31 Battle of Quebec: American Continental Army led by Richard Montgomery is defeated trying to take the British stronghold of Quebec City in the American Revolutionary War, General Montgomery is killed and Benedict Arnold is injured

Common Sense

1776-01-10 "Common Sense" Pamphlet by Thomas Paine published, advocating American independence

  • 1776-09-09 Congress officially renames the country as the United States of America (from the United Colonies)
  • 1776-11-16 British troops capture Fort Washington during American Revolution
  • 1776-12-19 Thomas Paine publishes his first "American Crisis" essay beginning "These are the times that try men's souls" (date disputed)

France to Supply US Revolution

1777-07-23 American Revolution: Louis XVI of France and his Foreign Minister clandestinely agree to supply US with munitions

  • 1777-09-03 Flag of the United States flown in battle for the 1st time at Cooch's Bridge, Delaware, a skirmish during American Revolutionary War

Battle That Gave Birth To The USA

1781-09-05 American Revolutionary War: French fleet of 24 ships under Comte de Grasse defeat British forces under Admiral Thomas Graves and Samuel Hood at the Battle of the Chesapeake [Battle of the Virginia Capes] and trap General Lord Charles Cornwallis

  • 1783-04-11 Hostilities formally cease in the American Revolutionary War after the Continental Congress proclaims the "Cessation of Arms" against His Britannic Majesty [1]
  • 1783-04-18 American Revolution: George Washington issues General Orders announcing the end of hostilities with Britain, giving thanks to the Almighty, and offering congratulations and authorizing an extra ration of alcohol to the troops to celebrate [1]
  • 1783-09-03 Treaty of Paris signed in Paris ends the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and United States of America
  • 1783-11-25 Britain evacuates New York city, its last military position in the United States
  • 1784-01-26 Benjamin Franklin expresses unhappiness over eagle as America's symbol
  • 1786-11-07 The oldest musical organization in the United States is founded in Boston, Massachusetts as the Stoughton Musical Society
  • 1789-01-21 The 1st American novel, William Hill Brown's "The Power of Sympathy" is published by Isaiah Thomas

Bill of Rights Sent to the States

1789-10-02 George Washington transmits the proposed Constitutional amendments (The United States Bill of Rights) to the States for ratification

  • 1790-08-09 Robert Gray's Columbia Rediviva returns to Boston after 3 year journey, 1st American ship to circumnavigate the Globe
  • 1792-04-02 The Coinage Act is passed establishing the United States Mint and authorizing the $10 Eagle, $5 half-Eagle & 2.50 quarter-Eagle gold coins & silver dollar, ½ dollar, quarter, dime & half-dime

Transcontinental Crossing of Canada

1793-07-22 Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacific Ocean, becoming the first Euro-American to complete a transcontinental crossing of Canada

  • 1801-05-10 First Barbary War: The Barbary pirates of Tripoli declare war on the United States of America (1st US foreign war)

Louisiana Purchase

1803-07-04 The Louisiana Purchase is announced to the American people by President Thomas Jefferson

Burr-Hamilton Duel

1804-07-11 Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr mortally wounds former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a pistol duel

  • 1804-07-12 Former United States Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton dies after being shot in a pistol duel the previous day by Vice President Aaron Burr
  • 1809-07-16 La Paz, Bolivia declares its independence from the Spanish Crown and forms the Junta Tuitiva led by Pedro Domingo Murillo, the 1st independent government in Spanish America

Battle of the Thames

1813-10-05 Battle of the Thames; American forces under General William Henry Harrison defeat Tecumseh's Confederacy and their British allies led by Henry Procter near Chatham, Upper Canada

  • 1817-09-09 Alexander Twilight, probably first African American to graduate from a US college, receives BA degree at Middlebury College

1st American Dictionary

1828-04-14 First American Dictionary: its author Noah Webster registers its copyright for publication

1st U.S. Typographer

1829-07-23 William Austin Burt patents America's first "typographer" (typewriter)

  • 1831-07-04 "America (My Country 'Tis of Thee)", with lyric by Samuel Francis Smith, has 1st public performance at Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts

Source of Mississippi Discovered

1832-07-13 Source of Mississippi River discovered by American geographer Henry Schoolcraft

  • 1832-08-02 Battle of Bad Axe, Wisconsin: 1,300 Illinois militia defeat Sauk & Fox Native Americans ending the Black Hawk War in the US

Reaping Machine

1834-06-21 American inventor and businessman Cyrus McCormick patents the reaping machine

  • 1835-01-08 US national debt is $0 for the first and only time in history

Trail of Tears

1835-12-29 Treaty of New Echota is signed between the US government and representatives of a minority Cherokee political faction to cede all lands of the Cherokee east of the Mississippi River to the United States

P. T. Barnum's Disgrace

1836-02-25 Showman P. T. Barnum exhibits African American slave Joice Heth, claiming she was the 161 year-old nursemaid to George Washington

Wilkes Identifies Antarctica

1840-01-25 American naval expedition under Charles Wilkes is first to identify Antarctica as a new continent

Expansion into the West

1845-12-02 US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West, a widely held belief termed "manifest destiny" by newspaper editor John O'Sullivan

  • 1846-04-25 Thornton Affair: Open conflict begins over the disputed border of Texas, triggering the Mexican–American War
  • 1846-09-30 Anesthetic ether is used for the 1st time, by American dentist Dr William Morton who extracts a tooth

Colt Revolver

1847-01-04 Samuel Colt sells his first revolver pistol to the United States government

  • 1847-09-13 Battle of Chapultepec: American forces capture Chapultepec Castle during the Mexican–American War allowing US General Winfield Scott to go on to take Mexico City
  • 1851-08-12 American inventor Isaac Singer patents the sewing machine
  • 1851-08-22 100 Guineas Cup is raced around Isle of Wight; US schooner 'America' beats British cutter 'Aurora' by 24 minutes; first competition for the America's Cup yachting trophy
  • 1853-07-06 William Wells Brown publishes "Clotel", 1st novel by an African American

Emperor Norton I

1859-09-17 Joshua Abraham Norton, English-born resident of San Francisco, proclaims himself his Imperial Majesty Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States of America

Lincoln Elected President

1860-11-06 Republican Abraham Lincoln of Illinois elected the 16th President of the United States of America

  • 1862-05-20 US President Abraham Lincoln signs into law the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for the settlement of the American West (80 million acres by 1900)
  • 1862-09-17 Battle of Antietam [Battle of Sharpsburg], bloodiest day in the American Civil War: 22,000 dead, wounded or missing in first battle on Union soil

Slavery Divide Triggers America’s Civil War

1863-07-03 Battle of Gettysburg, the largest battle ever fought on the American continent, ends in a major victory for the Union during the US Civil War

  • 1865-01-31 Congress passes, by vote of 121-24, the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution, abolishing slavery in the United States – except as punishment for a crime [1] [2]
  • 1865-02-17 Columbia in South Carolina burns down during the American Civil War
  • 1865-04-27 Steamboat "SS Sultana" explodes in the Mississippi River, killing up to 1,800 of the 2,427 passengers in the greatest maritime disaster in United States history. Most were paroled Union POWs on their way home.
  • 1865-11-06 American Civil War: CSS Shenandoah is the last Confederate combat unit to surrender after circumnavigating the globe, on its cruise that sank or captured 37 vessels
  • 1865-12-06 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution is ratified, abolishing slavery (except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted) [1]
  • 1869-07-30 The Charles, considered the world’s first "oil tanker", departs from the United States headed for Europe with a bulk capacity of 7,000 barrels of oil
  • 1870-02-03 US state of Iowa ratifies the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution allowing suffrage for all races and colors
  • 1873-01-17 Modoc warriors defeats the United States Army in the First Battle of the Stronghold, a part of the Modoc War

Jesse James Assassinated

1882-04-03 American outlaw Jesse James is shot in the back of the head and killed by fellow gang member Robert Ford at home in St. Joseph, Missouri

  • 1883-05-01 Bob Rogers is acknowledged as the first American pro sports trainer when he is hired by the NY Athletic Club
  • 1884-09-23 American Herman Hollerith patents his mechanical tabulating machine, the beginning of data processing
  • 1885-08-10 Leo Daft opens America's 1st commercially operated electric streetcar in Baltimore

Frederick Douglass Nominated

1888-06-23 Frederick Douglass is 1st African-American to be nominated for US Vice President

Burroughs' Adding Machine

1888-08-21 American inventor William Seward Burroughs patents the adding machine

  • 1894-12-22 United States Golf Association forms in New York
  • 1895-06-20 First female PhD from an American University, earned by Caroline Willard Baldwin (in Science) at Cornell University

1st Car Race in America

1895-11-28 America's 1st auto race organised by the "Chicago Times-Herald" - Chicago to Evanston and back; 6 cars, 55 miles, Frank Duryea wins averaging 7 MPH

  • 1896-04-06 First modern Summer Olympic Games open in Athens, Greece; American athlete James Connolly becomes first modern Olympic champion when he wins triple jump (then 2 hops and a jump); later 3rd in long jump, 2nd in high jump
  • 1897-01-23 Elva Zona Heaster is found dead in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Resulting murder trial of her husband perhaps only case in US history where the alleged testimony of a ghost helped secure a conviction.
  • 1898-06-10 US Marines land in Cuba during the Spanish–American War
  • 1898-06-30 Winton Motor Carriage Company publishes the first known automobile ad in Scientific American using the headline “dispense with a horse.”

Assassination of William McKinley

1901-09-06 US President William McKinley is shot by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, while visiting the Pan-American Exposition in New York

  • 1902-03-04 American Automobile Association (AAA) founded in Chicago
  • 1902-04-02 "Electric Theatre", the first full-time movie theater in the United States, opens in Los Angeles, California
  • 1903-02-15 1st Teddy Bear introduced in America, made by Morris & Rose Michtom
  • 1903-07-26 Horatio Nelson Jackson, Sewall K. Crocker, and a bulldog named Bud complete 1st automobile trip across the United States; San Francisco to New York in a 2-cylinder Winton (63 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes)
  • 1903-08-17 Joe Pulitzer donates $1 million to Columbia University & begins the Pulitzer Prizes in America
  • 1904-02-23 United States acquires control of the Panama Canal Zone for $10 million
  • 1904-05-04 Construction begins by the United States on the Panama Canal
  • 1905-01-02 In Chicago, Illinois, a conference of 23 industrial trade unionists issues the 'Industrial Union Manifesto' calling for a convention to be held in Chicago in June, laying the groundwork for the formation of Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

First Ad for a Radio Set

1905-11-25 Telimco makes the 1st ever advertisement for a radio set, by advertising a $8.50 set in the "Scientific American" which claimed to receive signals for up to one mile

  • 1908-07-26 United States Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte issues an order to immediately staff the Office of the Chief Examiner (later renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation)
  • 1910-09-12 United States' 1st known female cop appointed, Alice Stebbins Wells by LAPD
  • 1911-08-29 Ishi, considered the last Native American to make contact with European Americans, emerges from the wilderness of northeastern California.
  • 1913-07-10 World's official highest recorded temperature at Greenland Ranch (now known as Furnace Creek Ranch), Death Valley, California at 134 °F (56.7 °C)

First 12-Reel Film

1915-02-08 "The Birth of a Nation" the first 12-reel film in America, directed by D. W. Griffith, starring Lillian Gish and Mae Marsh, premieres at Clune's Auditorium in Los Angeles

Silent Parade

1917-07-28 Silent Parade organised by James Weldon Johnson of 10,000 African-Americans who march on 5th Ave in NYC to protest against lynching

  • 1919-08-18 Anti-Cigarette League of America forms in Chicago, Illinois

The Mark of Zorro

1920-11-27 "The Mark of Zorro" directed by Fred Niblo and starring Douglas Fairbanks is shown in New York - 1st American superhero film

Hubble Announces Other Galaxies

1924-12-30 Astronomer Edwin Hubble formally announces existence of other galactic systems at meeting of the American Astronomical Society

  • 1928-04-28 RCA and GE install three test television sets in homes in Schenectady, New York, allowing trials of inventor E.F.W. Alexanderson's first home television receiver; a poor and unsteady 1.5 square inch picture was received from radio transmitter

Earhart 1st Woman to Fly Across Atlantic

1928-06-18 American aviator Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (as a passenger), landing at Burry Port, Wales

The Blue Angel

1930-04-01 "The Blue Angel" starring Marlene Dietrich in her breakthrough role premieres in Germany

Public Enemy Number One

1934-06-22 John Dillinger is informally named America's first Public Enemy Number One

Beer in a Can

1935-01-24 1st canned beer, "Krueger's Cream Ale," is sold by American company Krueger Brewing Co.

  • 1937-08-02 Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 is passed in America, essentially rendering marijuana and all its by-products illegal
  • 1937-12-16 Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe attempt to escape from American federal prison Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay; neither is ever seen again.

7th Venice Film Festival

1939-08-08 7th Venice Film Festival opens with a United States boycott due to Benito Mussolini's Fascist Italian regime

Captain America

1941-03-01 Captain America created by cartoonists Joe Simon and Jack Kirby is first published by Timely Comics (premiere issue released on December 20, 1940)

  • 1942-01-06 Pan American Airlines becomes the first commercial airline to complete a flight around the world; the plane "California Clipper" was re-christened "Pacific Clipper" after the feat

First President to Fly Overseas

1943-01-14 World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt travels from Miami to Morocco to meet with Winston Churchill, becoming the first American president to travel overseas by airplane

  • 1943-03-03 Battle of the Bismarck Sea: Australian and American air forces devastate Japanese navy convoy
  • 1944-07-11 Franklin Roosevelt announces that he will run for a fourth term as President of the United States

James Stewart Made Colonel

1945-03-29 Movie star James Stewart promoted to full colonel, one of the few Americans to rise from private to colonel in four years

  • 1946-03-28 Cold War: The United States State Department releases the Acheson-Lilienthal Report, outlining a plan for the international control of nuclear power.

Robinson 1st MLB African American

1947-04-15 Jackie Robinson becomes the first African-American to play in US major league baseball (Dodgers)

  • 1947-11-24 The US House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities finds "Hollywood 10" in contempt because of their refusal to reveal whether they were communists
  • 1949-08-03 Basketball Association of America (BAA) & National Basketball League (NBL) merge to form National Basketball Association (NBA), Maurice Podoloff elected head of new league
  • 1957-08-05 "American Bandstand" premieres on network TV (ABC)

First Broadcast from Space

1958-12-19 First radio broadcast from space, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower sends a Christmas message "to all mankind, America's wish for peace on Earth and goodwill to men everywhere" [1]

John F. Kennedy Assassinated

1963-11-22 US President John F. Kennedy assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in an open-topped motorcade in Dallas, Texas

  • 1965-06-07 The Supreme Court of the United States decides on Griswold v. Connecticut, effectively legalizing the use of contraception by married couples
  • 1965-10-10 "Vinland Map" is introduced by Yale University as being the first known map of America, drawn about 1440
  • 1966-11-02 The Cuban Adjustment Act comes into force, allowing 123,000 Cubans opportunity to apply for permanent residence in the US

Brooke Takes US Senate Seat

1967-01-10 Edward W. Brooke (Sen-R-Mass), takes his seat as the 1st popularly elected African American to the US Senate

Vietnam War

1967-04-24 American General William Westmoreland says in a Vietnam War news conference that the enemy has "gained support in the United States that gives him hope that he can win politically that which he cannot win militarily"

  • 1969-09-02 The first automatic teller machine in the United States is installed in Rockville Center, New York.

Radio Premiere

1970-07-04 Casey Kasem's "American Top 40" debuts on LA radio

  • 1972-02-05 Bob Douglas is 1st African American elected to Basketball Hall of Fame
  • 1973-04-03 1st mobile phone call is made in downtown Manhattan, NYC by Motorola employee Martin Cooper to the Bell Labs headquarters in New Jersey

American Graffiti

1973-08-02 "American Graffiti", directed by George Lucas and starring Richard Dreyfuss and Ron Howard premieres at the Locarno International Film Festival, Switzerland

  • 1973-12-15 American Psychiatric Association declares homosexuality is not a mental illness
  • 1975-11-28 "As the World Turns" and "The Edge of Night", the final two American soap operas that had resisted going to pre-taped broadcasts, air their last live episodes.
  • 1983-09-26 Australia II wins America's Cup yacht race - 1st non-US winner
  • 1986-05-25 Hands Across America - 6.5 million people hold hands from California to NY
  • 1991-05-19 Willy T. Ribbs overcomes numerous mechanical problems in qualifying to become first African-American driver to make Indianapolis 500 starting grid

Bin Laden's Declaration of War

1996-08-23 Osama bin Laden issues message entitled "A declaration of war against the Americans occupying the land of the two holy places"

Clinton Denies Lewinsky Affair

1998-01-26 President Bill Clinton says "I want to say one thing to the American people; I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

Film & TV History

1998-10-20 Comedian Richard Pryor is awarded the 1st ever Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor

  • 1998-11-09 Brokerage houses are ordered to pay 1.03 billion USD to NASDAQ investors to compensate for price-fixing - largest civil settlement in US history
  • 1998-12-16 Iraq disarmament crisis: Operation Desert Fox - the United States and United Kingdom bomb targets in Iraq to degrade its ability to produce, store, maintain, and deliver weapons of mass destruction

Bush v. Gore Decision

2000-12-12 US Supreme Court releases its 5-4 decision in Bush v. Gore, settling the recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election in George W. Bush's favor and thus handing him the presidency over Al Gore

  • 2001-09-20 In an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, US President George W. Bush declares a "war on terror"

Event of Interest

2002-05-12 Former US President Jimmy Carter arrives in Cuba for a five-day visit with Fidel Castro, becoming the first President of the United States, in or out of office, to visit the island since Castro's 1959 revolution.

Music History

2002-06-11 "American Idol" created by Simon Fuller with judges Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson premieres on Fox-TV

Invasion of Iraq

2003-03-19 Airstrikes by an American and British-led coalition signal the beginning of the Invasion of Iraq, without United Nations support and in defiance of world opinion

  • 2004-01-03 After hosting the show for over 30 years, Casey Kasem gives up the hosting duties of "American Top 40" to Ryan Seacrest
  • 2004-05-26 The United States Army veteran Terry Nichols is found guilty of 161 state murder charges for helping carry out the Oklahoma City bombing.
  • 2005-02-14 Online video sharing site YouTube is launched in the United States by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim; headquarteredin San Bruno, California
  • 2006-10-17 The United States population reaches 300 million

Nancy Pelosi Elected 1st Female Speaker

2007-01-04 The 110th United States Congress convenes and elects Nancy Pelosi as the 1st female Speaker of the House

Agreement of Interest

2008-05-04 Seth MacFarlane reaches an agreement worth $100 million with Fox to keep "Family Guy" and "American Dad" on television until 2012, making MacFarlane the world's highest paid television writer

Presidential Convention

2008-08-27 US Senator Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be nominated by a major political party for President of the United States

  • 2008-11-04 Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be elected President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate John McCain
  • 2009-01-20 Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America, becoming the United States' first African-American president
  • 2010-08-19 Operation Iraqi Freedom winds down, as the last of the United States brigade combat teams cross the border to Kuwait [1]
  • 2010-12-22 Repeal of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell policy", a 17-year-old policy banning homosexuals serving openly in the US military, signed into law by President Barack Obama
  • 2011-05-02 Osama bin Laden, the suspected mastermind behind the September 11 attacks and the FBI's most wanted man is killed by US special forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan
  • 2012-07-10 The American Episcopal Church becomes the first to approve a rite for blessing gay marriages

Vettel Wins 8 in a Row

2013-11-17 German Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel wins record 8th consecutive Formula 1 race with victory in United States Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas

Super Bowl XLVIII

2014-02-02 Super Bowl XLVIII, MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ: Seattle Seahawks beat Denver Broncos, 42-8; MVP: Malcolm Smith, Seattle, LB