Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in November 1942

  • Nov 1 10th day of battle at El Alamein
  • Nov 1 John H. Johnson publishes 1st issue of Negro Digest
  • Nov 2 11th day of battle at El Alamein: British assault on Tel el Aqqaqir
  • Nov 3 12th day of battle at El Alamein: Scottish assault

Baseball Record

Nov 3 Boston Red Sox outfielder Ted Williams wins American League Triple Crown (.356 average, 36 HRs, 137 RBI); but NY Yankees pitcher Joe Gordon is AL MVP

  • Nov 3 William L. Dawson elected to the US Congress from Chicago
  • Nov 4 13th day of battle at El Alamein: Afrika Korps draws back
  • Nov 5 Nazi raid on Greek Jews in Paris
  • Nov 5 Pro-British Clandestine Radio Diego Suarez's final transmission
  • Nov 6 Indonesian independence movement Empat Serangkai founded by Sukarno, Mohammed Hatta, Ki Hajar Dewantara and Mas Mansur
  • Nov 6 Nazis kill 12,000 Jews in the Minsk ghetto

FDR Broadcasts French

Nov 7 1st US President to broadcast in a foreign language - FDR, in French

Fausto Coppi

Nov 7 Italian cyclist Fausto Coppi establishes world hour record 45.798km in Vigorelli, Milan, Italy

  • Nov 8 1st WW II American expeditionary force lands in Africa on the Gold Coast

Fall of Stalingrad

Nov 8 Adolf Hitler proclaims fall of Stalingrad from Munich beer hall

Operation Torch

Nov 8 Operation Torch; began as US and British forces under Eisenhower land in French North Africa

  • Nov 8 Vichy-France drops diplomatic relations with US
  • Nov 9 German occupiers install Erik Scavenius as Danish premier
  • Nov 9 Transport number 44 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany
  • Nov 10 Philip Barry's play "Without Love" premieres in NYC
  • Nov 10 US troops occupy airport of Port-Lyautey, Morocco
  • Nov 10 US-British troops occupies Oran, Algeria
  • Nov 11 -12] last German offensive in Stalingrad

French Jews To Auschwitz

Nov 11 745 French Jews deported to Auschwitz

  • Nov 11 Germany completes its WWII occupation of France
  • Nov 11 Jews in the Free Zone of France ordered to wear a yellow star of David
  • Nov 11 Lt-general Kumakashi Harada becomes Japanese commander on Java
  • Nov 11 Transport #45 departs with French Jews to Nazi-Germany

Second Battle of El-Alamein

Nov 11 WWII: British led Allied forces defeat Erwin Rommel's German and Italian Army Panzers in Second Battle of El-Alamein, North Africa, helping to secure the Suez Canal

SS Robert E. Peary

Nov 12 The SS Robert E. Peary, a Liberty ship built in 4 days and 15.5 hours at Henry J. Kaiser's Richmond Shipyard #2, is launched, setting a new record

  • Nov 12 WWII Naval Battle of Guadalcanal begins between Allied and Japanese forces in Solomon Islands
  • Nov 13 Chaotic "sea battle of Friday the 13th" at Guadalcanal
  • Nov 13 Minimum draft age lowered from 21 to 18 in the US
  • Nov 14 -Nov 15th) Japanese vs US sea battle at Savo-Island in Guadalcanal
  • Nov 14 Last Vichy-French troops in Algeria surrender
  • Nov 15 World War II: First flight of the Heinkel He 219.
  • Nov 16 Assault of US B-17 Flying Fortresses on airport at Sidi Ahmed

Skin of our Teeth

Nov 18 Thornton Wilder's play "Skin of our Teeth" premieres in NYC (Pulitzer Prize for Drama 1943)

Goebbels Visits Netherlands

Nov 19 Joseph Goebbels visits "German Theatre in the Netherlands"

  • Nov 19 Operation Uranus: Soviet offensive begins during Battle of Stalingrad, 1 million Soviet soldiers encircle the German Sixth Army
  • Nov 19 Russia launches winter offensive against Germans along Don front
  • Nov 20 26th Soviet Armoured Corps recaptures Perelazovski
  • Nov 20 British 8th Army recaptures Benghazi, Libya
  • Nov 20 NHL abolishes regular season OT until WW II is over
  • Nov 20 The Alaska Highway 2,451km long from Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Fairbanks, Alaska, first opens to military traffic [1]
  • Nov 21 Adolf Hitler names field marshal Erich von Manstein commander of the newly-created Army Group Don (Heeresgruppe Don)
  • Nov 22 Adolf Hitler orders Rommel's Africa Korps to fight to the last man
  • Nov 22 General-major Rodins 26th Pantser corp recaptures Ostrov
  • Nov 23 3rd & 5th Romanian army corps surrenders

Poon Lim's 133 Day South Atlantic Odyssey

Nov 23 Chinese steward Poon Lim begins 133 days adrift after British ship SS Benlomond is torpedoed by a German U-boat, leaving him as the sole survivor

  • Nov 23 German 4th & 6th Army surrounded at Stalingrad
  • Nov 23 Japanese bombing of Port Darwin, Australia
  • Nov 23 Soviet 21st Army recaptures Kalatsj at Don
  • Nov 23 US Coast Guard Woman's Auxiliary (SPARS) authorized
  • Nov 24 French collaborator Marquis de Brinon establishes "African Falanx"
  • Nov 24 German Fieldmarshal Erich von Manstein arrives in Starobelsk, Ukraine
  • Nov 25 National Organization for Aid to Underground, LO, forms


Nov 26 "Casablanca" directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman premieres at Hollywood Theater, NYC (Academy Awards Best Picture 1943)

  • Nov 26 Anti-fascist Council for National Liberation (AVNOJ) forms
  • Nov 27 French navy at Toulon scuttles ships & subs so Nazis cannot seize them


Nov 27 Tito appoints Anti-fascist Liberation board in Yugoslavia

  • Nov 28 492 die in a fire that destroys Cocoanut Grove nightclub, fueled by flammable tropical decor, in Boston, Massachusetts [1]
  • Nov 29 US Office of Price Administration rations coffee for everyone, 10 pound a year
  • Nov 30 -Dec 1st: Sea battle at Tassafaronga, Guadalcanal

Bill Terry

Nov 30 Bill Terry resigns as supervisor of NY Giants minor league system

  • Nov 30 German supply vessel Uckermark (formerly called the Altmark) explodes & sinks off Yokohama
  • Nov 30 U-boats sink and damage 142 allied ships this month (877,774 tons)