Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1913

Events 1 - 200 of 238

  • Jan 1 US Post office begins parcel post deliveries
  • Jan 2 Australia releases its first national stamp - a kangaroo on a map of Australia

Gandhi Leaves Tolstoy Farm

Jan 2 Mahatma Gandhi leaves the Tolstoy Farm in Transvaal, South Africa

  • Jan 6 Attempting to end hostilities in the Balkans, the London Peace Conference breaks down because Turkey refuses to cede Adrianpole, the Aegean island, and Crete
  • Jan 7 William M. Burton patents a process to "crack" petroleum

Chance Yankees Manager

Jan 8 Frank Chance becomes NY Yankees manager

  • Jan 11 1st sedan-type car (Hudson) goes on display at 13th Auto Show (NYC)

Stalin "Man of Steel"

Jan 12 After using other pseudonyms over the years, Josef Dzhugashvili signs himself as Stalin ("man of steel") in a letter to the newspaper Social Democrat

  • Jan 13 Delta Sigma Theta, the world's largest Black Women's Sorority is founded at Howard University, Washington, D.C.
  • Jan 16 British House of Commons accepts Home Rule for Ireland (but the Great War gets in the way of it happening)

Raymond Poincaré President

Jan 17 Raymond Poincaré elected president of France

Second Briand Government

Jan 21 Aristide Briand forms French government for the second time

The Young Turks

Jan 23 The 'Young Turks' lead a coup d'etat against the Turkish Government, assassinating Minister of War Nazim Pasha

Kafka Stops "Amerika"

Jan 24 Franz Kafka stops working on "Amerika"; it will never be finished

Thorpe Gives Up Medals

Jan 26 Jim Thorpe relinquishes his 1912 Olympic medals for playing 2 seasons of semi-professional baseball before competing in the Olympics

  • Jan 29 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, at Howard University, incorporates
  • Jan 30 UK House of Lords rejects Irish Home Rule Bill
  • Feb 1 American all-round athlete Jim Thorpe signs to play baseball with the NY Giants; unlike his other sporting endeavours the Olympic-medal winner's career in MLB was uninspiring (1913-19)


Feb 2 American poet Joyce Kilmer writes his famous poem "Trees" in Mahwah, New Jersey

  • Feb 2 NYC's Grand Central Terminal opens
  • Feb 3 16th Amendment to the US Constitution, federal income tax, ratified
  • Feb 3 Golden and Cawthorne's musical "Sunshine Girl" premieres in New York City
  • Feb 4 Louis Perlman patents demountable auto tire-carrying wheel rim
  • Feb 4 National Institute of Arts & Letters founded
  • Feb 9 Beginning of the Ten Tragic Days in Mexico City, with revolts leading to 3,000 deaths
  • Feb 10 Edward Sheldon's "Romance" premieres in NYC
  • Feb 15 1st avant-garde art show in America opens in NYC

Agreement of Interest

Feb 16 US President William Howard Taft agrees not to intervene in Mexico

  • Feb 17 US State of Oregon becomes second to enact minimum wage law

Event of Interest

Feb 18 French modernist painting "Nude Descending a Staircase" by Marcel Duchamp causes an uproar when shown in New York

  • Feb 18 President Francisco Madero of Mexico is overthrown
  • Feb 19 1st prize inserted into a Cracker Jack box

Coup d'état

Feb 19 Mexican General Victoriano Huerta seizes power after a 10 day coup d'état in Mexico City with US support, deposing the elected President Francisco I. Madero

  • Feb 20 King O'Malley drives in the first survey peg to mark commencement of work on the construction of Australian capital Canberra
  • Feb 25 The 16th Amendment to the US Constitution becomes law, providing the legal basis for the institution of a graduated income tax
  • Mar 1 1First state law requiring bonding of officers & state employees, ND

Admiral Beatty

Mar 1 David Beatty becomes Rear-Admiral Commanding the Royal Navy's 1st Battlecruiser Squadron

Washington Women's Suffrage Procession

Mar 3 Woman suffrage procession through Washington, D.C. organized by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns and led by Inez Milholland. Ida B. Wells marched with her Illinois delegation despite blacks being told to march in a separate section.

  • Mar 4 1st US law regulating the shooting of migratory birds passed
  • Mar 4 Gabriel Faure's opera "Pénélope", based on Homer's "The Odyssey", premieres at the Salle Garnie, in Monte Carlo, Monaco
  • Mar 4 NY Yankees are 1st to train outside US (Bermuda)
  • Mar 4 US Department of Commerce & Labor split into separate departments

Woodrow Wilson

Mar 4 Woodrow Wilson inaugurated as 28th US President

  • Mar 8 Internal Revenue Service begins to levy & collect income taxes
  • Mar 8 MLB Federal League organizes with 6 teams, including the Chicago Whales, who built and played at Weeghman Park (now Wrigley Field); League folded after 3 seasons
  • Mar 10 Stanley Cup, Quebec Skating Rink, Quebec City, Quebec: Quebec Bulldogs retain trophy; defeat Sydney Millionaires (NS), 6-2 for a 2-0 sweep of the challenge series
  • Mar 10 William Knox becomes 1st in American Bowling Congress to bowl 300
  • Mar 12 Foundation stone of the Australian capital in Canberra laid
  • Mar 13 Kansas legislature approved censorship of motion pictures

Rockefeller Foundation

Mar 14 John D. Rockefeller gives $100 million to Rockefeller Foundation

  • Mar 14 South African Supreme Court declares that marriages not celebrated according to Christian rites and/or not registered by the Registrar of Marriages, are invalid; all Muslim and Hindu marriages are therefore declared invalid
  • Mar 15 1st US presidential press conference, held by Woodrow Wilson
  • Mar 15 Cleveland establishes 1st small claims court
  • Mar 17 Uruguayan Air Force is founded
  • Mar 18 King George I of Greece is assassinated in the recently liberated city of Thessaloniki
  • Mar 21 -26] Flood in Ohio, kills 400

Assassination of Song Jiaoren

Mar 22 Song Jiaoren, leader of the Chinese Kuomintang Party, shot at Shanghai Railway Station, dies 2 day later (thought orchestrated by Kuomintang President Yuan Shikai)

  • Mar 24 Dutch soccer forward Huug de Groot scores twice as Netherlands score first ever victory over England; 2-1 at HBS, The Hague
  • Mar 24 Palace Theater opens at 1564 Broadway, New York City
  • Mar 25 Great Dayton Flood: winter rains cause Great Miami River to flood, Ohio's greatest natural disaster
  • Mar 25 Home of vaudeville, Palace Theatre, opens (NYC) starring Ed Wynn
  • Mar 26 Bulgaria captures Adrianople, ending the 1st Balkan War
  • Mar 26 Dayton, Ohio almost destroyed when Scioto, Miami and Muskingum River reach flood stage simultaneously
  • Mar 28 Guatemala becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty

Pankhurst Sent to Jail

Apr 3 British suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst is sentenced to 3 years in jail for incitement to place an explosive in a building at Walton

  • Apr 4 Greek aviator Emmanuel Argyropoulos becomes the first pilot victim of the Hellenic Air Force when his plane crashes
  • Apr 8 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified by Congress, providing for election of senators by popular vote
  • Apr 8 China's National Assembly opens in Peking, the first free democratic parliament in Chinese history
  • Apr 9 Brooklyn Superbas' (later Dodgers) Ebbets Field opens; visiting Philadelphia Phillies win, 1-0
  • Apr 10 During the Montenegrin siege of Scutari, the Montenegrin coastline is blockaded
  • Apr 10 New York Highlanders play first MLB game as the New York Yankees; lose to the Washington Senators, 2-1 at Griffith Stadium, President Woodrow Wilson throws out 1st ball
  • Apr 14 Belgium begins general strike for voting rights
  • Apr 16 Bulgarians and the Turks agree to an armistice that will be accepted by the other nations involved
  • Apr 21 German passenger ship Imperator runs aground
  • Apr 22 Montenegro troops march into Skoetari, North-Albania

Woolworth Building Opens

Apr 24 The Woolworth Building opened in New York City by Frank Winfield Woolworth at a cost of $13.5 million, at 792 feet then the world's tallest building

  • Apr 26 Sun Yet San calls for revolt against President Yuan Shikai in China
  • May 1 Longacre Theater opens at 220 W 48th St NYC
  • May 6 King Nikita I of Montenegro vacates Skoetari, northern Albania
  • May 7 An ambassadorial conference in St Petersburg, Russia, awards the town of Silistria to Rumania in compensation for Bulgaria's other territorial gains in the First Balkan War
  • May 7 British House of Commons rejects women's right to vote
  • May 7 Plot by English suffragettes to blow up part of St Paul's cathedral thwarted when the bomb is discovered [1]
  • May 10 Yanks commit 8 errors & still beat Tigers 10-9 in 10 innings
  • May 12 English runner Harry Green runs world record marathon 2:38:16.2 in the Polytechnic Marathon in London, England

1st Four-Engine Plane

May 13 1st four-engined aircraft built and flown (Igor Sikorsky, Russia)

  • May 14 Frans Hals museum opens in Haarlem, Netherlands

Johnson Ends Scoreless Streak

May 14 Washington Senator Walter Johnson ends MLB record scoreless streak at 56 innings

  • May 19 Webb Alien Land-Holding Bill passes, forbidding Japanese from owning land
  • May 26 Emily Duncan becomes Great Britain's first woman magistrate
  • May 26 US Actors' Equity Association forms (NYC)

The Rite of Spring

May 29 Igor Stravinsky's avant-garde ballet score "Le Sacre du Printemps" (The Rite of Spring) for the Ballets Russes premieres at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, provoking a riot

  • May 30 John McGraw joins Fred Clarke, Cap Anson, Frank Selee, & Connie Mack as managers who have won 1,000 games
  • May 30 Treaty of London signed by the Great Powers, the Ottoman Empire and the victorious Balkan League (Serbia, Greece, Kingdom of Bulgaria, and Montenegro) bringing an end to the First Balkan War
  • May 31 Alexis Ahlgren runs world record maraton (2:36:06.6)
  • May 31 US 17th amendment (direct election of senators) declared ratified
  • Jun 1 The Serbian government concludes a ten-year treaty with Greece against Bulgaria; Serbia wishes to pursue Macedonian aspirations with Greece's help
  • Jun 2 1st strike settlement mediated by US Department of Labor - railroad clerks
  • Jun 2 Demonstrations for general voting right in Netherlands
  • Jun 3 Dutch 1st Chamber accepts Health laws

Emily Davison Trampled at the Derby

Jun 4 English suffragette Emily Davison is trampled and mortally wounded by a racechorse called Anmer, ridden by Herbert Jones and owned by King George V, during running of the Derby at Epsom Downs in Surrey; Jones thrown from horse, horse finishes the race jockey-less, Davison dies from her injuries 4 days later. [1]

  • Jun 5 Dutch Disability laws go into effect
  • Jun 6 Rabbit Maranville, is thrown out trying to steal home 3 times
  • Jun 7 1st verifiable ascent of main summit of Denali (Mt McKinley), North America's highest mountain led by Hudson Stuck and Harry Karstens
  • Jun 11 Grand Vizir Mahmud Shevket Pasha is assassinated, resulting in continuing Young Turk terrorism until WWI
  • Jun 12 "Dachshund" by Pathe Freres, early animated cartoon, released
  • Jun 13 Yanks win 13th game of year after losing 36 games

Funeral of Emily Davison

Jun 14 Funeral for Emily Davison includes a procession of 6,000 suffragettes in London, England [1]

  • Jun 14 The South African Government pass the Immigration Act, which restricts the entry and free movement of Asians; it leads to widespread agitation and rioting by resident Indians, led by Gandhi
  • Jun 15 The Battle of Bud Bagsak in the Philippine concludes
  • Jun 16 South African Government pass the segregationist Native Land Act, which restricts purchase or lease of land by native Africans
  • Jun 19 Natives Land Act, Act No 27, passed in South Africa: confines Africans to hopelessly overcrowded reserves and deprives them of rights to purchase land outside the native reserves
  • Jun 20 3 of 1st 4 Yankees hit-by-pitch en route to a record 6 hit batsman
  • Jun 20 Bert Daniels set AL mark, being hit-by-pitch 3 times in a doubleheader
  • Jun 21 Tiny Broadwick is 1st woman to parachute from an airplane
  • Jun 25 American Civil War veterans begin arriving at the Great Reunion of 1913
  • Jun 25 Dutch Parliamentary election (confess party looses majority)
  • Jun 29 An attack by Bulgarian General Michael Savov on Greek and Serbian positions causes the start of the Second Balkan War
  • Jun 30 To increase the peacetime strength of the German Army, the Reichstag pass the Army and Finance Bills, a massive defense buildup
  • Jul 1 Serbia and Greece declare war on Bulgaria
  • Jul 3 Common tern banded in Maine; found dead in 1919 in Africa (1st bird known to have crossed the Atlantic)
  • Jul 3 Confederate veterans at the Great Reunion of 1913 reenact Pickett's Charge; upon reaching the high-water mark of the Confederacy they are met by the outstretched hands of friendship from Union survivors

Queen meets Troelstra

Jul 5 Dutch Queen Wilhelmina meets SDAP-leader Pieter Jelles

Erector Set Patented

Jul 8 Alfred Carlton Gilbert's patent for the Erector Set is issued, it becomes one of the most popular toys of all time

  • Jul 10 Romania declares war on Bulgaria
  • Jul 10 World's official highest recorded temperature at Greenland Ranch (now known as Furnace Creek Ranch), Death Valley, California at 134 °F (56.7 °C)
  • Jul 12 150,000 Ulstermen gather and resolve to resist Irish Home Rule by force of arms; since the British Liberals have promised the Irish nationalists Home Rule, civil war appears imminent
  • Jul 18 After 68 straight innings Christy Mathewson gives up a walk
  • Jul 19 Billboard publishes earliest known "Last Week's 10 Best Sellers Among Popular Songs"; "Malinda's Wedding Day" by singers Byron Harlan and Arthur Collins is #1 (recorded in Camden, New Jersey)
  • Jul 20 Turkish troops take Adrianopel & Erdine from Bulgaria
  • Jul 21 The Egyptian government announces a new constitutional system and electoral law
  • Jul 23 Arabs attack Jewish community of Rechovot, Palestine
  • Jul 25 A meeting in Johannesburg, called by the South African Native National Congress, now African National Congress, is attended by a large number of people from South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland
  • Jul 25 Carl Weilman strikes out 6 times in a 15 inning game
  • Jul 25 Pittsburgh Pirates future Baseball Hall of Fame outfielder Max Carey scores 5 runs without a hit, reaching first base on an error and 4 walks, as the Bucs beat Philadelphia Phillies, 12-2
  • Jul 29 Independence of the Principality of Albania recognized by the Conference of London
  • Jul 30 Conclusion of the Second Balkan War
  • Aug 3 Wheatland Hop Riot on a California farm, 4 die in one of the first farm labour disputes
  • Aug 8 Richard Corfields "Camel Corps" opens "Mad Mullah" in Burao Somalia
  • Aug 10 Treaty of Bucharest ends the Second Balkan War, Bulgaria cedes territory
  • Aug 13 Invention of stainless steel by Harry Brearley of Sheffield, England

A Royal Fantasy!

Aug 13 Otto Witte, German acrobat and fantasist, is purportedly crowned King of Albania

  • Aug 16 Tōhoku Imperial University of Japan (modern day Tōhoku University) admits its first female students.
  • Aug 19 Frenchman Adolphe Célestin Pégoud makes 1st parachute jump in Europe
  • Aug 20 1st pilot to parachute from an aircraft (Adolphe Pégoud, France)
  • Aug 20 Piotr Nesterow 1st flight (Kiev Ukraine)

Event of Interest

Aug 22 Jack London's 15,000-square-foot stone mansion, called Wolf House, burns down two weeks before he planned to move in with his family

  • Aug 27 Lt Pyotr Nesterov, of Imperial Russian Air Service, performs a loop in a monoplane at Kiev (1st aerobatic maneuver in an airplane)
  • Aug 27 Swedish engineer Gideon Sundback of Hoboken applies to patent all-purpose zipper
  • Aug 28 Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands opens the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, an international law administrative building housing the Permanent Court of Arbitration [1]
  • Aug 29 Pieter Cort Van de Linden forms Dutch government
  • Aug 30 Phillies lead Giants 8-6 in top of 9th, fans in bleachers try to distract Giants, Umpire forefeits game to Giants, later overruled
  • Aug 31 Massive protest rally on Sackville Street attacked by the Dublin Metropolitan Police; two strikers killed by the police
  • Aug 31 Soccer club PSV forms in Eindhoven, Netherlands

Androcles and the Lion

Sep 1 George Bernard Shaw's play "Androcles and the Lion" premieres in London

  • Sep 1 Zhang Xun's Wuwei Corps captures Nanjing on behalf of Emperor Yuan Shikai in the Republic of China's Second Revolution, ending Chinese independence and causing Sun Yat Sen to flee to Japan
  • Sep 2 Amsterdam reroutes sewage of canals to South Seas
  • Sep 5 Phillies & Braves tie record of only 1 run in a double header, Phillies win 1st game 1-0, then a scoreless tie into 10th
  • Sep 6 19th US Golf Amateur Championship won by Jerry Travers
  • Sep 6 1st aircraft to loop the loop - Adolphe Pégoud in France
  • Sep 6 Hamilton Alerts apply for ORFU reinstatement, taking the name Hamilton Rowing Club
  • Sep 9 Russian pilot Pyotr Nesterov becomes the first pilot to fly a loop, doing so in his Nieuport IV monoplane; he is arrested for ten days for endangering government property
  • Sep 10 Cleveland Call & Post forms
  • Sep 10 George W. Buckner, named minister to Liberia
  • Sep 10 Lincoln Highway opens as 1st paved coast-to-coast highway across the United States
  • Sep 14 Cubs Larry Cheney hurls record 14-hit shutout against Giants (7-0)
  • Sep 15 1st US milch goat show held, Rochester, NY
  • Sep 16 Thousands of women demonstrate for Dutch female suffrage
  • Sep 21 1st aerobatic maneuver, sustained inverted flight, performed in France
  • Sep 21 Turkey and Bulgaria sign peace treaty in Constantinople

Seven Keys to Baldpate

Sep 22 George M. Cohan's play "Seven Keys to Baldpate" premieres in NYC

  • Sep 22 The first batch of Indian passive resisters, consisting of 12 men and 4 women (including Mrs. Kasturba Gandhi) are arrested at Volksrust and imprisoned in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
  • Sep 23 French aviator Roland Garros (24) is 1st to fly over Mediterranean Sea
  • Sep 23 Serbian troops march into Albania
  • Sep 23 Women protests take place in the Free State, South Africa, led by Charlotte Maxeke, resisting government attempts to impose passes on women; passes are burnt in front of the municipal offices
  • Sep 29 MLB Washington Senator Walter Johnson wins his 36th game
  • Sep 29 Shubert Theater, named after Sam S. Shubert, opens at 225 W 44th St NYC
  • Sep 29 The Treaty of Constantinople between Turkey and Bulgaria restores peace; the Turks recover Adrianople and Maritza River line
  • Oct 3 US Federal income tax signed into law (at 1%) by President Woodrow Wilson
  • Oct 4 Freddy Wilson of Regina Roughriders kicks 10 singles in 21-3 win over Saskatoon Rugby Club
  • Oct 10 British passenger ship Volturno catches fire in Atlantic (136 killed)
  • Oct 10 Gamboa Dam in Panama blown up; Atlantic & Pacific waters mix
  • Oct 10 Yuan Shikai installed as the 1st President of China
  • Oct 14 Senghenydd Colliery Disaster, the United Kingdom's worst coal mining accident, an explosion claims 439 lives.
  • Oct 15 Train crash at St. James' Station, Liverpool during "Black Week" kills six and injures 63
  • Oct 16 Booth Theater opens at 222 W 44th St NYC
  • Oct 16 George Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion" premieres in Hofburg Theatre in Vienna, Austria
  • Oct 19 At a meeting of the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) in Durban, NIC secretaries, M. C. Anglia and Dada Osman, severely criticise Mahatma Gandhi and tender their resignations
  • Oct 21 Transvaal women satyagrahis begin defiance activities, hawking without licenses in Vereeniging; they cross the Natal border and encourage the miners in Newcastle to strike
  • Oct 22 Explosion at Stag Canyon coal mine kills 263 workers, near Dawson, New Mexico, only 23 miners survived
  • Oct 24 Joe Tinker fired as Cincinnati Reds manager
  • Oct 26 Dictator Victoriano Huerta elected president of Mexico
  • Oct 27 In a speech in Mobile, Alabama, President Woodrow Wilson vows the US will "will never again seek one additional foot of territory by conquest" [1]
  • Oct 28 "Krazy Kat" comic strip by George Herriman debuts in NY Journal
  • Oct 29 Floods in El Salvador kill thousands
  • Oct 31 1st US paved coast-to-coast highway, the Lincoln Highway is dedicated
  • Nov 1 Less than a week after the US non-intervention promise, President Woodrow Wilson demands that Mexican dictator Victoriano Huerta resign
  • Nov 1 Notre Dame upsets Army, 35-13 in the colleges' inaugural football game; quarterback Gus Dorais (14 of 17 passes, 243 yards, 2 TDs) and receiver Knute Rockne use forward pass effectively