Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1775

Wedgwood Blue

Jan 1 English potter Josiah Wedgwood writes that he has developed his famous 'wedgwood blue' color in a letter to Thomas Bentley [1]

  • Jan 11 Francis Salvador becomes 1st Jew elected to office in America (SC)
  • Jan 17 9 old women burnt as witches for causing bad harvests in Kalisk, Poland
  • Jan 17 Richard Brinsley Sheridan's play "The Rivals" premieres in London
  • Jan 18 The West India Committee founded in London by London sugar merchants and Caribbean planters. Initially instrumental in promoting slavery, later aided campaign to end slavery. [1]
  • Jan 22 Marshal Oscar von Lubomirski confiscates goods being sold by Jews in settlements on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland
  • Feb 9 British Parliament declares Massachusetts colony in rebellion

Papal Inauguration

Feb 15 Angelo Braschi chosen as Pope Pius VI

  • Feb 22 1st US joint stock company (to make cloth) offers shares at 10 cents
  • Feb 22 Jews expelled from their settlements on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland
  • Mar 6 1st Negro Mason in north America initiated, Boston
  • Mar 17 Transylvania Land Company, headed by Richard Henderson, buys most of Kentucky through treaty signed with Cherokee chiefs at Sycamore Shoals on the Watauga River (later declared illegal)
  • Mar 19 4 people buried by avalanche for 37 days, 3 survive (Italy)
  • Mar 19 Poland & Prussia sign trade agreement
  • Mar 22 British MP Edmund Burke makes a speech to the English Parliament advocating for peace with the American colonies

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

Mar 23 Patrick Henry proclaims "Give me liberty or give me death" in speech in favor of Virginian troops joining US Revolutionary war

  • Apr 14 1st abolitionist society in US organizes in Philadelphia
  • Apr 18 Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott ride from Charlestown to Lexington warning "the regulars are coming!"

The Shot Heard Round the World

Apr 19 American Revolution begins in Lexington, Massachusetts, with the "Shot Heard Round the World" fired later that day in Concord

  • Apr 19 Minutemen Capt John Parker orders not to fire unless fired upon
  • Apr 19 New England militiamen begin the siege of Boston, hemming in the British army garrison
  • Apr 19 Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott are captured by British troops riding from Lexington to Concord, Prescott escapes to warn Concord as does Dawes who acts as a decoy [1]

Il Ré Pastore

Apr 23 Opera "Il Ré Pastore" (The Shepherd King) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is first produced in Salzburg

  • May 7 Turkish state of Bukovina secedes from Austria
  • May 10 American Revolution: Green Mountain Boys capture Fort Ticonderoga, New York
  • May 10 Second Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and issues paper currency for 1st time

George Washington Named Supreme Commander

May 10 Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia names George Washington Supreme Commander

  • May 17 American Revolutionary War: the Continental Congress bans trade with Canada
  • May 20 Citizens of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina declare independence from Great Britain

President Hancock

May 24 John Hancock is unanimously elected President of the Continental Congress

  • Jun 12 1st naval battle of Revolution-Unity (US) captures Margaretta (Br)

Continental Army Forms

Jun 14 US Army first forms as the Continental Army to fight American Revolutionary War

  • Jun 15 George Washington appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, the day after Congress establishes the force
  • Jun 17 Battle of Bunker Hill (actually it was Breed's Hill)
  • Jun 22 1st Continental currency issued ($3,000,000)
  • Jun 23 1st regatta held on river Thames, England
  • Jul 3 George Washington takes command of Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts

Olive Branch Petition

Jul 5 Second Continental Congress drafts the Olive Branch Petition to King George III

Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms

Jul 6 Congress issues the "Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms", written by Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson and lists American grievances but denies any intent to be independent

Event of Interest

Jul 10 Horatio Gates issues order excluding blacks from Continental Army

United States Post Office

Jul 26 US Continental Congress creates United States Post Office (U.S.P.O.) in Philadelphia under Benjamin Franklin

Cook Returns to England

Jul 30 Captain James Cook with HMS Resolution safely returns to England at the end of his second voyage

  • Aug 5 1st Spanish ship, San Carlos, enters San Francisco Bay
  • Aug 22 King of Great Britain and Ireland, George III proclaims the American colonies to be in open rebellion and orders his officials to suppress it
  • Sep 13 Gotthold Lessing's "Die Juden," premieres in Frankfurt-am-Main

Ethan Allen Captured

Sep 25 American Revolutionary War hero Ethan Allen captured

  • Oct 8 Officers decide to bar slaves and free blacks from the Continental Army
  • Oct 13 First US Navy forms when Continental Congress orders construction of a naval fleet [1]
  • Oct 16 Portland, Maine burned by British

Phillis Wheatley Freed

Oct 18 African-American poet Phillis Wheatley freed from slavery

  • Oct 27 US Navy forms as the Continental Navy
  • Nov 7 Lord Dunmore promises freedom to male slaves who join British army
  • Nov 10 The Second Continental Congress forms Continental Marines, precursor to the United States Marine Corps

Visit by Mohawk Leader

Nov 11 Mohawk military leader Joseph Brant goes to London to solicit more support from the government and to persuade the Crown to address past Mohawk land grievances in exchange for their participation as allies in the impending war

  • Nov 12 General Washington forbids recruiting officers from enlisting black troops
  • Nov 13 American Revolutionary forces capture Montreal
  • Nov 14 -15] Floods ravage Dutch coast provinces
  • Nov 24 Continental Congress approves resolution barring blacks from army
  • Nov 28 Second Continental Congress formally establishes the Continental Navy
  • Nov 29 Sir James Jay invents invisible ink
  • Dec 3 First official US flag raised (Grand Union Flag) aboard naval vessel USS Alfred

Knox's Artillery Convoy Sets Out

Dec 9 At Fort Ticonderoga, New York, Henry Knox begins his historic transport of abandoned British artillery to Boston, Massachusetts, later forces the British to evacuate Boston [1]

Arkwright's Carding Machine

Dec 16 Englishman Richard Arkwright receives a patent for his carding machine for use in cotton mills

  • Dec 22 Continental navy organized with 7 ships
  • Dec 25 Pope Pius VI encyclical on the problems of the pontificate

Battle of Quebec

Dec 31 Battle of Quebec: American Continental Army led by Richard Montgomery is defeated trying to take the British stronghold of Quebec City in the American Revolutionary War, General Montgomery is killed and Benedict Arnold is injured