Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

Historical Events in 1914 (Part 2)

Events 201 - 392 of 392

British Expeditionary Force Lands

Aug 14 British Expeditionary Force led by Field Marshal John French and General Henry Wilson lands in France

Battle of Dinant

Aug 15 Dinant, Belgium, destroyed by German bombs. Lt Charles de Gaulle (24), injured

  • Aug 15 Japan joins the side of the allies
  • Aug 15 Panama Canal opens (under cost) with the SS Ancon making the 1st official steamship through the canal

Taliesian Massacre

Aug 15 Taliesian Massacre (Spring Green, Wisconsin): Julian Carlton, a disgruntled employee, kills architect Frank Lloyd Wright's mistress Martha Borthwick, her 2 children, and 4 others with a hatchet and burns the architect's home to the ground while Wright is away on business

  • Aug 15 The first large public gathering of Boers in South Africa who do not want to support Britain in a war against Germany; British authorities will try to repress this movement, but discontent spreads

US Neutrality

Aug 15 US Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, in a letter to J P Morgan, Jr., declares that loans to any of the belligerents go against US neutrality

  • Aug 16 German army occupies last fort at Liege, Belgian general Leman caught
  • Aug 16 World War I: Battle of Cer begins.
  • Aug 16 Zapata & Pancho Villa over run Mexico
  • Aug 17 French troops under General de Castelnau occupy Chateau Salins
  • Aug 18 -20] Belgian army withdraws to Antwerp
  • Aug 18 French troops under general Dubail occupy Sarrebourg
  • Aug 18 Swiss track and road bicycle racer Oscar Egg sets new hour world record of 44.247 km at the outdoor Vélodrome Buffalo in Paris; record stands until 1933

Proclamation of Neutrality

Aug 18 US President Woodrow Wilson issues "Proclamation of Neutrality"

On Trial

Aug 19 Elmer Rice's play "On Trial" premieres in NYC

  • Aug 19 German army executes 150 Belgians by firing squad
  • Aug 19 German fleet bombs the English coast
  • Aug 19 Harris Theater (Candler, Coan & Harris) opens at 226 W 42nd St NYC
  • Aug 19 In a message to the Senate, US President Woodrow Wilson urges the American people to be 'neutral in fact as well as name'
  • Aug 20 Battle at Gumbinnen, East-Prussia: Russians beat Germans
  • Aug 20 Battle at Morhange: German troops chase French, killing thousands
  • Aug 20 Bavarian troops kill 50 inhabitants of Nomeny, France
  • Aug 20 German army captured Brussels as the Belgian army retreated to Antwerp
  • Aug 20 German General von Bulow executes 211 Belgians
  • Aug 21 Belgium: German troops occupy Tamines
  • Aug 21 French offensive in the Ardennen/Sambre
  • Aug 22 1st encounter between British & German troops (in Belgium)
  • Aug 22 Battle at Charleroi begins: Gen von Bulows troops beat French
  • Aug 22 Battle in Ardennen: Neufchateau, Rossignal, Tintigny & Virton
  • Aug 22 Canada's Finance Act, 1914, receives assent
  • Aug 22 General Martos' troops occupy Soldau/Neidenburg, East Prussia
  • Aug 22 German troops execute 384 inhabitants of Tamines, Belgium

Hindenburg Commands Eastern Front

Aug 22 WW1: Paul von Hindenburg named commander of the German Eighth Army on the Eastern Front against Russia, Erich Ludendorff his Chief of Staff

  • Aug 23 -24] German troops plunder Belgium
  • Aug 23 Battle of Mons: General Alexander von Kluck's troops forced a British withdrawal.
  • Aug 23 Gen von Hausen executes 612 inhabitants of Dinant, Belgium
  • Aug 23 Japan declares war on Germany in World War I
  • Aug 24 Battle of Bergen: Germans defeat Belgian/British troops
  • Aug 24 German troops occupy Namur, Belgium

The Girl from Utah

Aug 24 Paul Rubens and Sidney Green's musical (with additional songs by Jerome Kern and Herbert Reynolds) "The Girl from Utah" premieres at the Knickerbocker Theatre, NYC

  • Aug 25 -26] Belgian offensive at Antwerp
  • Aug 25 German troops in occupied Belgium begin the 6 week "Sack of Louvain," destroying historical buildings and killing hundreds of civilians
  • Aug 25 German troops march into France and push French army to the Sedan
  • Aug 25 German Zeppelins bomb Antwerp, Belgium, 10 die
  • Aug 26 -9/10] Russian army attacks Austrian army in Galicia

Battle of Tannenberg

Aug 26 Battle of Tannenberg begins (WWI): 8th German army defeats Russian Second army

  • Aug 27 Second day of Battle of Tannenberg (WWI): Germans bombard Usdau
  • Aug 27 US war reporter Richard H Davis visits Leuven
  • Aug 28 World War I: Battle of Helgoland Bight (North Sea); British fleet decisively beats Germans, nearly 800 die, and over 200 wounded
  • Aug 28 World War I: British General John French orders civilian evacuation of Amiens, France as German forces push in from Belgium
  • Aug 28 World War I: Third day of Battle of Tannenberg, near Allenstein, East Prussia (present-day Poland); violent German vs. Russian battles
  • Aug 29 4th day of Battle of Tannenberg (WWI): Russian Second Army panics, General Martos caught
  • Aug 29 Arizonian is 1st vessel to arrive in San Francisco via Panama Canal
  • Aug 29 Battle of St Quentin: French counterattack under General Lanrezac
  • Aug 29 New Zealand forces capture German Samoa
  • Aug 30 1st German plane bombs Paris, 2 killed
  • Aug 30 Battle of Tannenberg (WWI) in East Prussia ends in destruction of the Russian Second Army with 122,000-170,000 killed, injured or captured by the German 8th Army led by Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff
  • Aug 31 24.8 cm rainfall at Bloomingdale, Michigan (state record)
  • Aug 31 Ecuador becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty
  • Aug 31 General von Kluck decides not to attack Paris
  • Aug 31 German troops reconquer Soldau/Neidenburg East-Prussia
  • Sep 1 Lord Kitchener arrives in Paris
  • Sep 1 St Petersburg, Russia changes name to Petrograd
  • Sep 1 The last passenger pigeon, a female named Martha, dies in captivity in the Cincinnati Zoo (Cincinnati, Ohio)
  • Sep 2 -3] Gen von Hausen & countess of France regime flees to Bordeaux
  • Sep 2 The US Treasury Department establishes the Bureau of War Risk Insurance to provide up to $5 million worth of insurance for merchant ships and their crews
  • Sep 3 British expeditionary army/general Lanrezacs army attack the Marne

Pope Benedict XV

Sep 3 Cardinal Giacome della Chiesa becomes Pope Benedict XV

  • Sep 3 French troops vacate Rheims
  • Sep 3 Lemburg capital of Galicia, is taken after a three-day battle in which the Russians rout the Austrians
  • Sep 3 Prince Wilhelm von Wied leaves Albania
  • Sep 4 France, Russia, and Britain agree in a Pact of London that none will make a separate peace
  • Sep 4 General von Moltke ceases German advance in France
  • Sep 5 French headquarters move to Chatillon-sur-Seine
  • Sep 5 Great Britain, France, Belgium and Russia sign Pact of London
  • Sep 5 Proclamation prohibits Canadian mint from issuing gold coins
  • Sep 5 US President Woodrow Wilson orders US Navy to make its wireless stations accessible for any transatlantic communications - even to German diplomats sending coded messages; leads to interception of the Zimmermann telegram, helping bring the US into the war

First Battle of the Marne

Sep 6 World War I: First Battle of the Marne begins, French and British forces prevent German advance on Paris (till the 12th Sept)

  • Sep 7 NY Post Office Building opens to public
  • Sep 8 HMS (formerly RMS) Oceanic, two weeks into its service with the Royal Navy, runs aground off, Foula, Shetland, Scotland in good weather and eventually sinks
  • Sep 8 Private Thomas Highgate becomes the first British soldier to be executed for desertion during WW1
  • Sep 9 -12] Belgian offensive from Antwerp
  • Sep 9 Boston Brave George Davis no-hits Philadelphia Phillies, 7-0
  • Sep 9 First fully mechanized unit in the British Army created - the Canadian Automobile Machine Gun Brigade (WWI)
  • Sep 9 Meeting held at Gaelic League headquarters between Irish Republican Brotherhood and other extreme republicans; initial decision made to stage an uprising while Britain is at war
  • Sep 11 Australia invades New Britain, defeating a German contingent there.

St Louis Blues

Sep 11 W. C. Handy "Father of the Blues" publishes his most famous composition "St Louis Blues"

  • Sep 12 Yankee shortstop Roger Peckinpaugh, 23, becomes youngest manager
  • Sep 14 German staff-of-chief Helmut von Moltke replaced by Erich von Falkenhayn
  • Sep 14 German troops withdraw from Aisne

Your Country Needs You

Sep 14 Lord Kitchener: "Your country needs you" appears as front cover design for the London Opinion magazine

  • Sep 15 First Battle of Aisne finishes, Germans vs. French & British during WWI
  • Sep 15 US Marines march out of Vera Cruz, Mexico

Australian Election

Sep 17 Andrew Fisher becomes Prime Minister of Australia for the third time

  • Sep 18 Battle of Aisne ends with Germans beating French during WW I
  • Sep 18 General Paul von Hindenburg named commander of German armies on the Eastern Front
  • Sep 18 Irish Home Rule bill receives Royal assent
  • Sep 18 South African troops land in German South West Africa
  • Sep 19 Brooklyn Tip-Tops' Ed Lafitte no-hits Kansas City Packers (Federal League), 6-2
  • Sep 20 John Redmond urges Irish Volunteers to enlist in the British Army
  • Sep 22 1 German submarine sinks 3 British ironclads, 1,459 die

Louis Botha Takes Command

Sep 22 Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, Louis Botha, assumes command of the armed forces after dismissing General Christiaan Frederik Beyers for his resistance to aid the British in the war against Germany

  • Sep 23 Reds drop their 19th straight game, then beat Boston Braves
  • Sep 26 Federal Trade Commission formed to regulate interstate commerce
  • Sep 26 Germans arrest A Max, mayor of Brussels
  • Sep 27 Cleveland 2nd baseman Nap Lajoie collects his 3,000th hit
  • Sep 28 German forces move into Antwerp, Belgium (WWI)
  • Sep 29 Boston Braves, who were in last place in mid-July, clinch NL pennant
  • Oct 1 The first division of Canadian troops, 33,000 sail for Britain; most Canadians are volunteers, anxious to prove their loyalty to the Commonwealth
  • Oct 1 The Prince of Asir, the southern region of Arabia, rises in revolt against the Turks; his actions will inspire other Arab leaders to revolt
  • Oct 4 Dardanelles: French & British fleet bombards Turkish forts
  • Oct 5 World War I first aerial combat resulting in a kill
  • Oct 6 The Russians fall back along the Eastern Front in Poland and Galicia
  • Oct 9 German troops take Antwerp in World War I
  • Oct 10 German forces rout Belgians in Antwerp, Belgium (WWI)
  • Oct 11 German troops occupy Ghent
  • Oct 12 The First Battle of Ypres begins
  • Oct 13 American inventor Garrett Morgan patents his safety hood device, which would later be refined into the gas mask [1]
  • Oct 13 Pro-German Boers begin opposition to British authority in South Africa
  • Oct 13 The Belgian government in exile installed at St Adresse at Le Havre
  • Oct 14 German troops occupy Brug
  • Oct 15 Battle of Warsaw, begins (ends Oct 21)
  • Oct 15 US Clayton Anti-trust Act passed (union & strike rights)
  • Oct 18 Schoenstatt Movement is founded in Germany
  • Oct 21 Battle of Warsaw ends with German defeat
  • Oct 27 British battleship Audacious sunk by mine
  • Oct 28 German battle cruiser Goeben enters Black Sea
  • Oct 28 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, founded at Howard University, incorporates
  • Oct 29 Turkish warships storm Black Sea
  • Oct 30 Allied offensive at Ypres (Belgium), aka 'Wipers' during WWI begins
  • Oct 31 Great Britain & France declare war on Turkey
  • Nov 1 German-British naval battle at Coronel, Chile
  • Nov 1 Paul von Hindenburg named marshal of the Eastern front
  • Nov 1 Pope Benedictus Xv's encyclical Ad beatissimi, against integrity
  • Nov 2 Great Britain annexes Cyprus
  • Nov 2 Great Britain declares the entire North Sea a military area: neutral ships will transit it at their own risk
  • Nov 2 Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire
  • Nov 3 1st modern elastic brassiere is patented by New York socialite Mary Phelps Jacob
  • Nov 4 Vogue holds 1st model show ("Fashion Fete", NYC)
  • Nov 5 Britain declares war on Turkey and annexes Cyprus, occupied since 1878; the immediate reason is to keep it from being taken by Turkey
  • Nov 6 The British land troops (mostly from the Indian Army) at the head of the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia, and will begin to move westward in an attempt to draw Turkish troops from other fronts
  • Nov 7 German Chinese concession of Kiaochow Bay and its center at Tsingtao are captured by Japanese forces
  • Nov 7 Japanese attack German concession on Chinese peninsula of Shanghai
  • Nov 7 The first issue of The New Republic magazine is published.
  • Nov 9 Off Cocos Island, near Sumatra, the Australian cruiser 'Sydney' sinks German cruiser 'Emden', which has been attacking ships in the Pacific
  • Nov 12 Turks sultan Jamal Pasja declares a German holy war
  • Nov 14 Billy Mallett of Hamilton Tigers kicks 10 singles in a game

Il Populo d'Italia

Nov 15 Italian socialist Benito Mussolini founds newspaper Il Populo d'Italia

  • Nov 16 Federal Reserve System formally opens
  • Nov 16 Pope Benedict XV calls for peace
  • Nov 17 US declares Panama Canal Zone neutral
  • Nov 20 US State Department starts requiring photographs for passports
  • Nov 21 Billy Mallett of Hamilton Tigers kicks 9 singles in a game
  • Nov 21 British army conquers Bazra
  • Nov 22 Indian troops take Basra in Mesopotamia
  • Nov 22 Ypres, Belgium, burned by German bombing
  • Nov 23 The US Army withdraws from Mexico
  • Nov 24 Benito Mussolini leaves Italy's Socialist Party
  • Nov 24 Dutch Overseas Trustmaatschappij (NOT) forms
  • Nov 26 Battleship HMS Bulwark explodes at Sheerness Harbour, England, 788 die
  • Nov 27 1st British woman elected political agent (Grantham, Lincolnshire)
  • Nov 28 World War I: Following a war-induced closure in July, the New York Stock Exchange re-opens for bond trading.
  • Dec 2 Austria army occupies Belgrade, Serbia
  • Dec 3 Dutch army opens fire on interned Belgian soldiers: 8 killed

Johnson and the Federal League

Dec 4 Walter Johnson accepts an advance from the Chicago Whales of the Federal League; Washington Senators owner Clark Griffith threatens to take Johnson to court

  • Dec 5 The Italian Parliament proclaims the neutrality of the country.
  • Dec 6 German troops over run Lodz
  • Dec 8 Battle of the Falkland Island: British Royal Navy destroys a German battle squadron
  • Dec 8 Boers rebelling against the British in South Africa suffer several defeats, with one of their leaders, General Beyers, accidentally drowning

Watch Your Step

Dec 8 Irving Berlin's musical "Watch your Step" premieres in NYC

  • Dec 10 French government returns to Paris
  • Dec 11 Stockton Street Tunnel (San Francisco) completed
  • Dec 12 The largest one-day percentage drop in the history of Dow Jones Industrial Average, down 24.39%
  • Dec 14 Lisandro de la Torre and others found the Democratic Progressist Party (Partido Demócrata Progresista, PDP) at the Hotel Savoy, Buenos Aires.
  • Dec 14 US President Woodrow Wilson signs Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, to regulate and tax production, importation, and distribution of opiates and coca products
  • Dec 15 Battle of Lodz ends; Russians retreat toward Moscow
  • Dec 15 British fleet forfeits chance to destroy German fleet in North Sea
  • Dec 15 Serbian troops retake Belgrade in Austria-Hungary

French Artois Offensive

Dec 16 French offensive in Artois, Northern France led by Philippe Pétain

  • Dec 16 German warships fire more than 500 shells on northern English towns of Scarborough, Whitby and Hartlepool - 1st time English civilians targeted during the war - kill 137 people [1]
  • Dec 16 World War I: German battleships under Franz Von Hipper bombard the English ports of Hartlepool and Scarborough.
  • Dec 17 Austrian troops beat Russians in Limanova Poland
  • Dec 17 Great Britain declares Egypt a protectorate
  • Dec 17 Jews are expelled from Tel Aviv by Turkish authorities

"Tillie's Punctured Romance"

Dec 21 1st feature-length silent film comedy "Tillie's Punctured Romance" released starring Marie Dressler, Mabel Normand and Charlie Chaplin

  • Dec 21 2,800 African miners strike at the Van Rhyn Deep mines in a bid to redress some of their grievances
  • Dec 23 World War I: Australian and New Zealand troops arrive in Cairo, Egypt
  • Dec 24 German plane drops bombs on Dover, England
  • Dec 25 Legendary "Christmas Truce" takes place on the battlefields of WWI between British and German troops. Instead of fighting, soldiers exchange gifts and play football
  • Dec 26 US Government protests British interference with American merchant ships at sea, on the same day Germans announce they will treat food as contraband, subject to seizure; weakens America's protest
  • Dec 28 Turks are repulsed by the Russians after fighting in Armenia for weeks